
Geo distance library for PHP.

dev-master 2015-07-21 21:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-22 20:48:52 UTC


Build Status

This library provide:

  • distance calculation
  • distance matrix calculation

Note that the library does not provide geocoding features (for these purposes, you can use this library).


use Distance\Model\Distance;
use Distance\Model\Coordinate;
use Distance\Exception\PoolError;

// for HTTP providers
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

// fail-safe distance source
$pool = new Distance\ProviderPool([

    // Google distance matrix provider
    new Distance\Provider\GoogleProvider($client),

    // OSRM server with distance_table plugin
    new Distance\Provider\OsrmProvider($client, [
        'baseUrl' => 'http://localhost:2233/',

    // graphhopper service
    new Distance\Provider\GraphhopperProvider($client,[
        'key' => 'YOU_API_KEY'

    // distance matrix
    new Distance\Provider\RoutexlProvider($client, [
        'username' => 'YOU_API_USERNAME',
        'password' => 'YOU_API_PASSWORD',

    // optinal (If all previous fails) - math provider
    new Distance\Provider\HaversinaProvider(),

// GPS coordinates
$coords = [
    new Coordinate(48.41, 34.81),
    new Coordinate(48.43, 35.22),
    new Coordinate(48.43, 36.22).

// case1: single distance
$distanceObject = $pool->getDistance($coords[0], $coords[1]);
$distanceInMeters = $distanceObject->getDistance(Distance::UNIT_METER);
$distanceInMiles = $distanceObject->getDistance(Distance::UNIT_MILE);

// case2: distance matrix 3x3
$matrix = $pool->getDistanceMatrix($coords);
$distanceInMeters = $matrix->getDistance($coords[0], $coords[1], Distance::UNIT_METER);


Using composer:

$ composer require bogdaan/distance


Currently supported providers: