board3r / laravel-responsive-image
Generate dynamic thumbs images and responsive image with blade for Laravel
- php: ^8.2
- cardinalby/content-disposition: ^1.1
- intervention/image: ^3.11
- spatie/image-optimizer: ^1.8
- spatie/laravel-package-tools: ^1.18
- spatie/temporary-directory: ^2.3
Requires (Dev)
- laravel/pint: ^1.20
- orchestra/testbench: ^9.9
- pestphp/pest: ^2.36
- pestphp/pest-plugin-type-coverage: ^2.8
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-27 09:23:16 UTC
Blade component and url routing to generate responsive images and thumbnails.
Be lazy, just use an image and the package will be responsive alone.
Boost the PageSpeed.
- PHP >= 8.2
- Laravel 11+
Image processing
This package use by default intervention/image, needed to have at least one image processing extension installed.
Image optimizer
This package use by default spatie/image-optimizer, see optimization tools section
composer require board3r/laravel-responsive-image
Basic usage
Store the images in the laravel local disk in the directory /storage/app/private/responsive-image (default settings)
alt="Beautifull mountain"
class="rounded border-white border-5"
sizes="(min-width: 990px) calc(100vw / 3),
(min-width: 480px) calc(100vw / 2),
calc((100vw - 3rem) / 2)"
Html render :
<img src="/image-responsive/mountain.png"
alt="Beautifull mountain"
srcset="/img/mountain.png?w=800 w800
/img/mountain.png?w=600 w600"
sizes="(min-width: 990px) calc(100vw / 3),
(min-width: 480px) calc(100vw / 2),
calc((100vw - 3rem) / 2)"
All thumbnails are ready using the package routes.
The configuration will be published automatically under the folder /config/responsive-image.php during the installation.
In the documentation the tag @conf make a reference of the config file of this package.
All the example are illustrated with default Laravel And Laravel Responsive Image configuration and environnement.
Component parameters
image (required)
Set the src attribute image of img html tag.
// The origin image must be stored in /storage/app/private/responsive-image/mountain.jpg"
// Possibilty to use subfolders, the origin image must be stored in /storage/app/private/responsive-image/subdir/mountain.jpg"
// Possibilty to external image, the origin image will be stored automatically in /storage/app/private/responsive-image/"
- storage.origin : The original image storage (default: 'local')
- img_path : The directory in the storage disk (default: '/responsive-image')
- allowed_extension : Allowed extension of original image (default:['webp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'] )
:thumbs (optional)
List the thumbnails needed for good responsive performance. Pass an array for each thumb with one or more following query parameters
- w : An integer to define the width
- h : An integer to define height, if the height and width are defined the image will be cropped automatically
- c : Define a position to crop (default: 'center')
- f : Format of the thumbnail (default: 'webp')
// Generate two thumbs, one with 400px width and an other with 600px width
// Cropped thumbnails
:thumbs="[['w'=>400,'h'=>400] ,['w'=>100,'h'=>100,'c'=>'top']]"
// Output in a different format
- default_srcset : If :thumbs parameter is not set, a default set will be used (default: [['w' => 100], ['w' => 200], ['w' => 400], ['w' => 800], ['w' => 1200]])
- img_thumb_path : The directory in the storage disk (default: '/responsive-image/thumbs')
- default_thumb_ext : The default format to generate thumbnail (default :'webp'). The default value must be allowed in allowed_format
- allowed_format : Allowed format to generate thumbnail (default: ['webp', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'])
- allowed_width : Allowed widths to generate thumbnail (default: [50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1400, 1600]). Possibility to allow all widths with an empty array
- allowed_height : Allowed heights to generate thumbnail (default: [50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200]). Possibility to allow all heights with an empty array
- allowed_crop : Allowed crop positions to generate thumbnail (default: ['center', 'top', 'top-right', 'top-left', 'left', 'bottom', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'right'])
- storage.thumb : The thumbnail storage (default: 'public')
- thumb_dir_level : Thumbnail will generate a tree storage. This parameter define the number of level (default: 2)
By default this parameter is disabled, but the package offer the possibility to use specifics thumbnails and this parameter is set to true.
Don't forget to specify a width associated with the thumbnail to stay responsive.
:thumbs="[' 600w',' 200w']"
loading, fetchPriority and decoding
These parameters will impact the page loading.
Allowed values :
- loading (default: 'lazy') : 'auto','lazy','eager' more information
- fetchPriority : 'high','low','auto' more information
- decoding : 'sync','async','lazy' more information
width and height (optional)
By default these values are calculated, but force them to avoid some problems of calculation
Get more attributes
As all components in Laravel, you can add other attributes, they will reuse to display the image.
alt="Beautifull moutain"
Don't forget important thing to keep the image responsive and a performant page loading, the attribute sizes.
This attribute is not directly manage by the package because each case is different, but it's very important to set it. More information
// an example of attributes size to determine which thumnail to use...
sizes="(min-width: 1600px) 367px,
(min-width: 990px) calc((100vw - 10rem) / 4),
(min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 10rem) / 3),
(min-width: 480px) calc((100vw - 5rem) / 2),
calc((100vw - 3rem) / 2)"
Possibility to use some environnement variable to configure a default config value
Extending Processors
The package is only delivered with Intervention Image
Possibility to extend with another image processor following the ProcessorInterface::class
- processor.class (default: InterventionProcessor::class)_ : Define the image processor class
Extending Optimizers
The package is delivered with Spatie Image Optimizer and another one to disable image optimisation (DisableOptimizer::class)
Possibility to extend with another image optimizer following the OptimizerInterface::class
- optimizer.class (default: SpatieOptimizer::class)_ : Define the image optimisation class