
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Yii 2 based kit that may be used to quickly start building an api from it.

1.0.0-alpha 2017-06-14 21:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-11-27 13:06:39 UTC


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Heavily inspired by trntv/yii2-starter-kit, this API kit may be used to quickly start building your Yii2-based API and not waste any time on initializing your project.

This kit is in development. Please do not use it yet! Would you like to contribute?



  • Migrations for initial database with user-functionality
  • AutoController which generates ActiveRecords models and API documentation based on apidoc
  • Pre-created account functionality (register & login)
  • Authentication based on HTTP-header
  • Json support
  • dotenv support
  • Test-ready
  • blurrywindows/yii2-key-helper functionality



composer create-project blurrywindows/yii2-api-kit


Please follow these instructions carefully to quickly start building your own API. The instructions must be executed in the order in which they are presented here to prevent errors.


  • Install all required Composer packages (composer install).
  • When deploying to production, only install production packages (composer install --no-dev).


  • Install all required Node.js packages (npm install).
  • When deploying to production, only install production packages (npm install --production).


  • Create a database you will use for your API.
  • Make sure that a user with read/write access exists for this database.


  • Rename .env.demo to .env in your project root and alter the variables to your current environment.
  • Make sure that the ENTRY_URL variable has a trailing slash (/).


  • Migrate (let Yii create initial database tables) using the ./yii migrate command.
  • If this command doesn't work, try adding php to the command: php ./yii migrate.


  • Follow the instruction in the Yii2 guide to make your API available to the internet (or to your local development environment).


This api-kit is test-ready. The controllers and models are included in both acceptance and unit testing based on Codeception. They are located in /tests. To execute the tests, run ./vendor/bin/codecept run.



These actions should normally not run on a production server. The actions mentioned here generate files and data that may be used in development or testing. When executing these actions in a production environment, the controller will generate a warning prompt that you may override.

./yii auto/all

Executes all the actions in the AutoController.

./yii auto/gii-models

Generates ActiveRecords for all the tables in your database in the ./models folder. It automatically overwrites the ActiveRecords if they exist. The ActiveRecords are named Base[Tablename] and extend BaseActiveRecord. It also creates a class [Tablename] which extends Base[Tablename] for custom code, extra validation rules, etc. The [Tablename] class will not be overridden when executing the action again.

./yii auto/apidoc

Generates API documentation based on apidoc from the comments in the ./controllers folder. It outputs the documentation in the Git-ignored folder ./web/apidoc. You may include this folder in Git manually if you want to export the documentation to a production server. Please note, apidoc is a dev-dependency in Node.js. It will only be installed when using the npm install command.


You may contribute in any way you want, but please contact me beforehand to prevent merge-conflicts by creating an issue.


If you have any questions or experience any issues with this kit, please submit an issue.