
Library for interacting with TVMaze's API

dev-master 2018-09-14 14:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:20:11 UTC



An easy to use PHP Wrapper around TVMaze's API. All endpoints are supported. (As of Aug 1st 2018)

All TVMaze resources have been turned into objects, so you can interact with them in a OOP way.

For convenience, all dates have been turned into Carbon objects.


composer require bluesik/tv-maze-api



require "vendor/autoload.php";

use TVMaze\API\Client as TVMaze;

// New it up
$tv = new TVMaze();
// Example usage
$data = $tv->shows->getById(123);

All embedded resources will be extracted and turned into respective classes (if possible)


$show = $tv->shows->searchOne('Daredevil', ['episodes']);
var_dump($show->episodes); // Gives you an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects

Available methods


Search shows containing given name



  • String $name
    • Name to search for

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Show objects or null

Search show by name

$tv->shows->searchOne('Daredevil', ['episodes']); 


  • String $name
    • Name to seatch for
  • Array $embed
    • An array of resources to embed
    • Defaults to: An empty array

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Show object or null

Get show by its id

$tv->shows->getById(82, ['episodes']);


  • Integer $id
    • Show id
  • Array $embed
    • An array of resources to embed
    • Defaults to: An empty array

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Show object or null

Get show by TVRage id



  • Integer $id
    • TVRage id

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Show object or null

Get show by THETVDB id



  • Integer $id
    • TVDB id

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Show object or null

Get show by IMDB id



  • Integer $id
    • IMDB id

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Show object or null

Get episodes from a given show's id

$tv->shows->getEpisodes(123, $withSpecials = false);


  • Integer $id
    • Show id
  • Boolean $withSpecials
    • Should special episodes be included
    • Defualts to: false

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects or null

Get a list of seasons for a given show



  • Integer $id
    • Show id

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Season objects or null

Get a cast from a show with a given id



  • Integer $id
    • Show id

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Cast objects or null

Get a crew from a show with a given id



  • Integer $id
    • Show id

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Crew objects or null

Get a list of AKAs from a show with a given id



  • Integer $id
    • Show id

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\AKA objects or null

Get all shows

$tv->shows->getAll($page = 2);


  • Integer $page
    • Which page to get
    • Defualts to: 0

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Show objects or null

Get a list containing information about when each show was last updated


Returns an array or null


Get a list of all episodes airing in a given country on a given day

$tv->episodes->getSchedule("US", "2018-01-01");


  • String $country
    • An ISO 3166-1 code of the country
    • Defualts to: US
  • String $date
    • An ISO 8601 formatted date
    • Defualts to: <current date>

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects or null

Get a list of all future episodes airing


Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects or null

Get episode from a show by its season and episode number

$tv->episodes->getById($show = 82, $season = 2, $episode = 2);


  • Integer $show
    • Show id
  • Integer $season
    • Season number
    • Defualts to: 1
  • Integer $episode
    • Episode number
    • Defualts to: 1

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Episode object or null

Get episodes from a show by the given date

$tv->episodes->getByDate($show = 335, $date = "2017-01-01");
  • Integer $show
    • Show id
  • String $date
    • An ISO 8601 formatted date
    • Defualts to: <current date>

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects or null

Get a list of episodes for a season with a given id

  • Integer $season
    • Season id

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Episode objects or null


Search people by name

  • String $name
    • Name to look for

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\Person objects or null

Get a person by id

$tv->people->getById(40682, ['castcredits']);
  • Integer $person
    • Person id
  • Array $embed
    • An array of resources to embed
    • Defaults to: An empty array

Returns a \TVMaze\Data\Person object or null

Get cast credits for a person with a given id

$tv->people->getCastCredits(40682, ['show']);
  • Integer $person
    • Person id
  • Array $embed
    • An array of resources to embed
    • Defaults to: An empty array

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\CastCredit objects or null

Get crew credits for a person with a given id

$tv->people->getCrewCredits(40682, ['show']);
  • Integer $person
    • Person id
  • Array $embed
    • An array of resources to embed
    • Defaults to: An empty array

Returns an array of \TVMaze\Data\CrewCredit objects or null
