
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Jandi notification for Laravel

v1.0.4 2021-02-03 08:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-09-29 02:13:36 UTC


JANDI is business collaboration messenger tool made by Toss Lab, Inc.
This package is non-official and only provides a notification channel for JANDI incoming webhook connection.



  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Laravel 5.8+, 6.* or 7.*


Install using the composer.

composer require blood72/laravel-jandi

Additional work required if Auto-Discovery is disabled.

add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php.

'providers' => [
    // ...

also add this to the aliases array to use JANDI notifier.

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'Jandi' => \Blood72\Jandi\JandiFacade::class,

if you don't want to use JANDI notifier, follow the instructions below.

  1. add disable auto-discovery code in composer.json
        "extra": {
            "laravel": {
                "dont-discover": [
  2. add this code in register() method in your service provider.
    use Blood72\Jandi\Notifications\Channels\JandiWebhookChannel;
    use GuzzleHttp\Client as HttpClient;
    use Illuminate\Notifications\ChannelManager;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
    // ...
    Notification::resolved(function (ChannelManager $service) {
        $service->extend('jandi', function ($app) {
            return new JandiWebhookChannel(new HttpClient);


By default, this package supports only one webhook url.


you can publish a configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Blood72\Jandi\JandiServiceProvider"

and you can customize like this. in this case, a request will be sent to each URL.

'jandi_webhook_url' => [
    // ... and so all


  • Message

    • to(): set a email for the Jandi team message (optional).

      $message = (new JandiMessage)->to('');
    • content(): set the content of the Jandi message.

      $message = (new JandiMessage)->content('hello test');

      create new object with content; __construct(), create()

      $message = new JandiMessage('hello test');
      $message = JandiMessage::create('hello test');
    • color(): set the color of the attachment section.


      it supports bootstrap 4 color scheme.

    • attachment(): define an attachment for the message. you can add multiple.

      $message->attachment(function ($attachment) {
      $message->attachment(function ($attachment) {
      })->attachment(function ($attachment) {
  • Notification

    • notification override
      you can use an abstract class defined. it requires definition of toJandi() method.
      use Blood72\Jandi\Notifications\JandiNotification;
      class JandiExampleNotification extends JandiNotification
          public function toJandi($notifiable/* = null*/): JandiMessage
              return (new JandiMessage)->to('')->content('hello test');
    • send notification
      • by anonymous notifiable
        use Illuminate\Notifications\AnonymousNotifiable;
        use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
        Notification::send(new AnonymousNotifiable, new JandiExampleNotification
      • by notifiable model
        to use this, routeNotificationForJandi() must be defined.
        use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
        use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
        class ExampleNotifiableModel extends Model
            use Notifiable;
            public function routeNotificationForJandi()
                return 'hello routeNotificationForJandi() test';
        $notifiable = new ExampleNotifiableModel;
        $notification->send($notifiable, new JandiExampleNotification);
  • Facade

    It supports the JandiNotifier class as a 'Jandi' facade.

    • send(): you can send message simply.

      • it is sent based on the default route settings.
        use Blood72\Jandi\Notifications\Messages\JandiMessage;
        $message = JandiMessage::create('hello test');
        // or $message = new JandiMessage('hello test');
      • of course, it can be done in a simple string form.
        Jandi::send('hello test');
      • you can set other notification class if you don't want to use default one.
        Jandi::send('hello test', YourOtherNotification::class);
    • to(): you can specify the recipient URL(s).

      • by string
        Jandi::to('jandi-webhook-url')->send('hello test');
      • by multiple params
        Jandi::to('jandi-webhook-url-1', 'jandi-webhook-url-2')->send('hello test');
      • by array
            'email-1' => 'jandi-webhook-url-2',
            'email-2' => [
        you can set email when sending 1:1 chat for team chat webhook URL (paid team only). email does not validate in jandi, and to send together, it must be string.
      • by object
        to use this, routeNotificationForJandi() or jandi_webhook_url must be defined. it can be defined jandi_webhook_url as getJandiWebhookUrlAttribute().
        use App\User;
        public function routeNotificationForJandi()
            return 'url';
        // in example, $user is User model instance.
        Jandi::to($user)->send('hello test');
        if you want to set email, jandi_email (or getJandiEmailAttribute()) is required.


... and based on a code written by @kwonmory


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.