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Easily add subscriptions to your Laravel app by relying on Stripe Checkout and Billing Portal

dev-master 2020-07-10 20:06 UTC

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Last update: 2023-09-11 04:36:18 UTC




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Easily add subscriptions to your Laravel app by relying on Stripe Checkout and Billing Portal to do the heavy lifting.


This README is broken down into a three sections:

  1. Installation
  2. Configuring your application
  3. Configuring Stripe

All steps should be covered. If you run into any issues or have any recommendations please create an Issue.

1. Installation

Via Composer

$ composer require bkilshaw/ezstripe

2. Configuring your application

Publish EZStripes assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ezstripe.config --tag=ezstripe.views --force

Run the included migrations to add the stripe_id field to your users table.

php artisan migrate

Update your VerifyCSRFToken.php to bypass CSRF protection on EZStripes endpoints:

protected $except = [

Include the EZStripe JS on all your pages by adding the included blade component before your closing </body>

<x-ezstripe-javascript />

Create a new class app\Http\Controllers\WebhookController.php class that extends EZStripes WebhookController

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use bkilshaw\EZStripe\Http\Controllers\WebhookController as EZStripeController;

class WebhookController extends EZStripeController 

Create a route in your routes/web.php to route the /ezstripe/webhooks route to your newly created WebhookController:

Route::post('ezstripe/webhooks', [App\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class, 'webhooks'])->name('ezstripe.webhooks');

Add the following environment variables to your .env. You can find your Stripe Keys here https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys

The STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET be generated in a few steps and can be left alone for the time being

All three URLs are up to you. The Success and Cancel URL's typically return back to your product page. The Billig Portal Return URL can point back to your users home/dashboard.

# Stripes Publishable key

# Stripes Secret key

# Stripes Webhook Secret

# The URL a user will be redirected to after they have successfully subscribed

# The URL a user will be redirected to if they are in Stripe Checkout and hit 'cancel' or 'back'

# The URL a user will be redirected to after vising Stripes Billing Portal

3. Configuring Stripe


What are webhooks?

Stripe uses webhooks to notify your application when an event happens in your account.

Example events:

  • Customer Created
  • Invoice Paid
  • Subscription Created
  • Subscription Expiring
  • A customer's credit card is expiring

Stripe does a great job explaining Webhooks in their docs https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks.

Webhooks and EZStripe

In order to keep your application up to date with changes in Stripe, you must provide Stripe with an endpoint to send the webhooks. You do this by creating a Webhook Endpoint within Stripe here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/webhooks

When you're creating a new endpoint, the URL should point to https://yourdomain.tld/ezstripe/webhooks where you replace yourdomain.tld with your actual domain.

Under the Events to send section pick which events you would like to be notified of, or click receive all events.

Some actions within Stripe can trigger many events to run, each one hitting your webhook endpoint. It's best practice to only send the Webhooks you need

Once you have created your Webhook Endpoint, copy the Signing secret into the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET section of your .env file.

If you plan on testing out your application locally, you will need to configure a local endpoint for the webhooks. If you run Laravel Valet you can run valet share to spawn a ngrok session and use the forwarding address in your Webhook endpoing (ie. https://dk38alk3a.ngrok.io/ezstripe/webhooks). Every time you restart the ngrok tunnel it will generate a new domain, so you will need to update the Webhook endpoint in Stripe.

An alternative to using ngrok is using Stripe CLI

Stripe Billing Portal

To enable Stripes billing portal, please visit https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/billing/portal.

Enable the following options:

    Billing History: Enable
    Update Subscriptions: Enable
    Cancel Subscriptions: Enable

Under Products, add the products and prices that the user should be able to pick from when updating their subscription.

The rest of the settings are up to you. Links to your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are required. If you don't have one, check out https://getterms.io/

Using it

Stripe Checkout

Redirecting to Stripe Checkout is simple. All you need is a form with <form id='ezstripe'> that contains an input where name='price_id'. The price_id is the ID of one of your prices from Stripe and is returned with EZStripe::products()


<form id="ezstripe">

    <select name="price_id">
        @foreach(EZStripe::products() as $product)

            @foreach($product->prices as $price)

                {!-- EZStripe is designed for subscriptions, so we're excluding non-recurring prices here --}

                    <option value="{{ $price->id }}">
                        ${{ number_format($price->unit_amount/100,2) }} / {{ $price->recurring->interval }} - {{ $product->name }}



    <button type="submit">Checkout</button>

Stripe Billing Portal

Redirecting to Stripe Billing Portal couldn't be easier. All you need is a link that points to the ezstripe.billing_portal route. When a user is logged in and clicks the link they will be redirected to Stripes Billing Portal.

<a href="{{ route('ezstripe.billing_portal') }}">Billing Portal</a>

Handling Webhooks

EZStripe will automatically update your user and add their stripe_id when they are first added to Stripe. All other Webhook Events you wish to handle can be done by adding additional functions to your WebhookController. In order to have EZStripe handle the event, you must follow EZStripes function naming convention: camel case the event type, and prefix it with handle


   Stripe Event: customer.created
EZStripe Method: handleCustomerCreated(array $payload){}

   Stripe Event: charge.failed
EZStripe Method: handleChargeFailed(array $payload){}

   Stripe Event: order.payment_failed
EZStripe Method: handleOrderPaymentFailed(array $payload){}

   Stripe Event: subscription_schedule.expiring
EZStripe Method: handleSubscriptionScheduleExpiring(array $payload){}

EZStripe comes with the following methods to interact with Stripe

// Returns a collection of your products in Stripe

// Return a collection of your products in Stripe, only if the stripe product_id matches one that's been passed in
EZStripe::products(array $product_ids);

// Accepts a Illuminate\Http\Request and will return a Stripe Checkout Session the client can use for the redirect
EZStripe::checkout(Request $request); 

// Redirect the currently authorized user to Stripes Billing Portal if they have a stripe_id set

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.



license. Please see the license file for more information.