
1.4.0 2024-04-17 15:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 17:25:14 UTC


A Laravel implementation of Paragon Initiative Enterprises CipherSweet searchable field level encryption.

Make sure you have some basic understanding of CipherSweet before continuing.


Install the package using composer:

composer require bjorn-voesten/ciphersweet-for-laravel

The package will then automatically register itself.

Encryption key

In your .env file you should add:


And then generate an encryption key:

php artisan ciphersweet:key

Config file

Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ciphersweet-config


Define encryption

Add the BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Concerns\WithAttributeEncryption trait to your model
and add the BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Casts\Encrypted cast to the attributes you want to encrypt.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Concerns\WithAttributeEncryption;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Casts\Encrypted;

class User extends Model
    use WithAttributeEncryption;
    protected $fillable = [

    protected $casts = [
        'social_security_number' => Encrypted::class,

By default, the index column name is generated using the name suffixed by _index.
So social_security_number will use social_security_number_index.

Using custom indexes

Alternatively you can define multiple indexes per attribute and and define more options.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Concerns\WithAttributeEncryption;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Casts\Encrypted;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Contracts\Attribute;
use BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Contracts\Index;

class User extends Model
    // ...

     * Encrypt the social security number.
     * @param \BjornVoesten\CipherSweet\Contracts\Attribute $attribute
     * @return void
    public function encryptSocialSecurityNumberAttribute(Attribute $attribute): void
        $attribute->index('social_security_number_last_four_index', function (Index $index) {
                ->transform(new LastFourDigits());

Encrypt and decrypt

Attributes will be automatically encrypted and decrypted when filling and retrieving attribute values.

Note Because the package uses Laravel casts it is not possible to combine the Encrypted cast and accessors/mutators.


Note When searching with the equal to operator models will be returned when the value is found in one of all available or defined indexes. When searching with the not equal to operator all models where the value is not found in any of the available or the defined indexes are returned.

Note Because of the limited search possibilities in CipherSweet only the = and != operators are available when searching encrypted attributes.

whereEncrypted, orWhereEncrypted

    ->whereEncrypted('social_security_number', '=', '123-456-789')
    ->orWhereEncrypted('social_security_number', '=', '123-456-789')

whereInEncrypted, orWhereInEncrypted

    ->whereInEncrypted('social_security_number', [
    ->orWhereInEncrypted('social_security_number', [


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


make test