
Laravel Artisan command with extended options to create Blade views

v1.99.7 2024-09-25 01:40 UTC


An extended replacement for Laravel's built-in make:view command.

Requires >= Laravel 5.0

composer require benjaminhansen/laravel-artisan-make-view

Configuration < Laravel 5.5 Open app/Console/Kernel.php and add BenjaminHansen\LaravelMakeView\MakeView::class, to the protected $commands array


php artisan make:view --uses=bootstrap5/tailwind --empty --resourceful --suffix=something.php

  • resourceful used to create a view directory from and then resourceful view files index.blade.php, create.blade.php, show.blade.php, and edit.blade.php

  • extends is optional if you set BASE_VIEW in your project's .env file

    • If BASE_VIEW is set, but you use the --extends option, --extends takes precedence.
  • uses is optional. Preconfigures the base view with Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JS or Tailwind CSS

    • --uses=bootstrap5 or --uses=tailwind
  • empty option is optional. Creates an empty view file with no layout extension.

    • When using the empty option all other options are ignored.
  • suffix is optional if you want to override the default blade.php file suffix with something else.