
Simple library for count script execution time

1.0.0 2018-01-29 09:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 16:10:19 UTC


Wall Timer

Script run time measurement library

  • support three languages for output text czech, english, german, russian
  • include unit tests
  • the option to set the output display
  • include autoload class for non-use composer


  • language -> english
  • echo output -> true
  • time output -> seconds


  /* Init wall timer */
  $wallTimer = new WallTimer();
  /* Begin measuring */
  /* Script to be measured  */
 /* End measuring */

Your script running 2 seconds

Result time of measuring
 // Time output in minutes
Change language
 // Set czech language
  • ru - for russian
  • cs - for czech
  • en - for english
Result rounding

Your script running 2.0001149178 seconds

Change time output
// Time output in minutes
  • s - for seconds
  • m - for minutes
  • h - for hours
Turn off echo output
// Time output in minutes