
A simple Laravel package of common Utils Classes and Basic functionality

v0.1.16 2024-02-28 22:15 UTC


Run the following command to pull in the latest version:

composer require binarycamp/shared-library

Add service provider

Add the service provider to the providers array in the config/app.php config file as follows:

'providers' => [

Publish the config Run the following command to publish the package config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BinaryCamp\sharedLibrary\Providers\BinaryCampSharedLibraryServiceProvider"

You should now have a config/shared_library.php file that allows you to configure the basics of this package.

Environment Variables

To enable automatic database query generation, add the following environment variables to .env file


or you can manually declare query log generation method

AppLog::setQueryLogStatus(status: true)->createQueryLog(file_name: "my_query_log");

Create Application Log

AppLog::createLog(action: "MY_EVENT_NAME", data: ["data1" => "John", "data2" => "Dao"],  type: AppLogLevel::Info);

If you want to set different log channel then

AppLog::setChanel(chanel: config("logging.channels.daily"))->createLog(action: "MY_EVENT_NAME", data:["data1" => "John", "data2" => "Dao"], type: AppLogLevel::Info);

DB Transaction

AppDB::transaction(function () use ($param1, $param2){
       //operation 1
       //operation 2
}, $attempt = 2);

Alternatively, you can declare like below:

try {

    //operation 1

    //operation 2
}catch (\Throwable $exception){

Api Response

Success Response

Return AppResponse::setSuccess(status_code: 100,  status_message: "Operation Successful", data: ["data1" => "John", "data2" => "Dao"],  http: 200)

If you want to log api response then:

AppResponse::setSuccess( status_code: 100,  status_message: "Operation Successful", data: ["data1" => "John", "data2" => "Dao"],  http: 200)
            ->createLog(action: "User Save Event")

Fail Response

AppResponse::setError( status_code: 99,  status_message: "Operation Failed",  errors: [],  http: 404)

If you want to log api response then:

AppResponse::setError( status_code: 99,  status_message:"Operation Failed", errors: [],  http:404)
            ->createLog(action: "User Save Event")


Generate public key and private key

php artisan generate:jwtKey
    {audience : You must select an Audience. Audience is configured in shared_library.php file}
    {version : version of the key}
    php artisan generate:jwtKey USERS  v2 --force=1

Route Configuration

Route::middleware('AppAuth')->get('/auth-check', function (Request $request) {

    if (AppAuth::check()){
        $authObj = AppAuth::getAuthInfo();

        return AppResponse::setSuccess(100, 'Auth Checked Successfully', [
            'authObj' => $authObj
        ], HttpCode::ACCEPTED)

above example, AppAuth middleware is assigned. Here AppAuth is name of middleware.

Generate Token by email and password

Route::post('login', function (Request $request){
    $userObj = \App\Models\User::query()->where('email', $request->email)->first();

    if (!empty($userObj)){

                'user_id' => $userObj->id,
                'company_id' => $userObj->company_id,
                'usergroup_ids' => $userObj->usergroup_ids,
                'name' => $userObj->name,
                'email' => $userObj->email,
                'phone' => $userObj->phone,

        return AppResponse::setSuccess(100, 'Token Generated Successfully', [
            'access_token' => AppAuth::getToken(),
            'refresh_token' => AppAuth::getRefreshToken(),
            'authObj' => AppAuth::getAuthInfo(),
        ], HttpCode::ACCEPTED)

This Audience is taken from config file name shared_library.php under config directory.

Generate Token by refresh token

Route::post('/refresh', function (Request $request){
    $refresh_token = $request->refresh_token;

    try {

        //we can allow only one time access token by a refresh token
        $payload = AppAuth::getPayload();

        $user_id = $payload['sub'];
        $userObj = \App\Models\User::query()->find($user_id);

                'user_id' => $userObj->id,
                'company_id' => $userObj->company_id,
                'usergroup_ids' => $userObj->usergroup_ids,
                'name' => $userObj->name,
                'email' => $userObj->email,
                'phone' => $userObj->phone,

        return AppResponse::setSuccess(100, 'Token Generated Successfully', [
            'access_token' => AppAuth::getToken(),
            'refresh_token' => AppAuth::getRefreshToken(),
            'authObj' => AppAuth::getAuthInfo(),
        ], HttpCode::ACCEPTED)

    }catch (\Throwable $exception){
        return AppResponse::setError(99, "Invalid Token", [], 400)

Permission Middleware

Route::middleware(['AppAuth', 'AppPermission'])->get('/check-permission', function (Request $request) {

    return AppResponse::setSuccess(100, 'Permission Checked Successfully', [
        'authObj' => AppAuth::getAuthInfo()
    ], HttpCode::ACCEPTED)

To check Permission, AppAuth middleware is required. Then AppPermission needs to place.