
PHP library for interacting with the Pet and Go HTTP API inside of WordPress.

1.2.0 2020-08-26 17:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 03:33:31 UTC


PHP library for interacting with the API within a WordPress site.

PDS Skeleton GitHub license


Install using Composer composer require bigwing/pet-and-go-wp and use the Composer autoloader.


The only required setting is your PetAndGo API key (authkey), which must be passed to the class on instantiation. Common ways to do this:

  • In wp-config.php, set a constant with define( 'PET_AND_GO_AUTHKEY', 'your_auth_key' );.
  • Use dotEnv to set the key.
  • Create a WP settings page and store the key there.


You can use this inside a theme or plugin, but this package DOES NOT dictate front-end output.

  • Use the Composer autoloader to ensure the files are loaded.
  • Instantiate the class with new PetAndGo\PetAndGo( PET_AND_GO_AUTHKEY );.

Note: You may choose to assign it to a variable if you're going to use it right away, but you can also create the class in your main functions.php file and use PetAndGo::get_instance(); in any templates to get the main instance.

Getting pets list:

You can pass a species name to get_adoptable_pets() for a specific pet type. Currently, only "cat", "dog", or "all" are supported.

$pet_search = BigWing\PetAndGo\PetAndGo::get_instance();
$pets = $pet_search->get_adoptable_pets( 'dog' );