
An implementation of the repository patter for Laravel Framework

v2.0 2020-01-24 11:12 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-24 22:36:49 UTC


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A repository pattern implementation for Laravel Framework


Via Composer

$ composer require bigpaulie/repository

Publish the configuration file

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider=bigpaulie\\repository\\RepositoryServiceProvider --tag=repository.config


package version laravel version
2.x 6.9 or newer
1.x 5.x


A repository class is any class that extends bigpaulie\repository\AbstractRepository

The general rule of thumb is that your repository should have the same name as your model by with a suffix of "Repository".

Let's say we have the following case, we have a model named Person, than the repository class should be named PersonRepository

class PersonRepository extends AbstractRepository {}

Generating repositories using artisan commands

You can generate a repository for your model using the provided artisan command

php artisan repository:generate Person

The above command will generate a repository class called PersonRepository.


Find a specific resource by it's ID

/** @var PersonRepository $repository */
$repository = new PersonRepository();

/** @var Person|null $person */
$person = $repository->find(1);

Get all

Get all results for this resource

/** @var PersonRepository */
$repository = new PersonRepository();

/** @var Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|Person[] */
$persons = $repository->all();


Create's a new resource and return the database object, if your model doesn't allow mass assigning of attributes, use false as the second parameter.

/** @var PersonRepository $repository */
$repository = new PersonRepository();

/** @var Person $person */
$person = $repository->create([
    'name' => 'Popescu Ion',
    'age' => 30


Update a specific resource by it's ID, you can also pass a model instance as a second parameter.

/** @var PersonRepository $repository */
$repository = new PersonRepository();

/** @var Person $person */
$person = $repository->update([
    'name' => 'Popescu Marin',
    'age' => 33
], 1);


Delete a specific resource by it's ID, you can also force delete by passing true as the second parameter.

/** @var PersonRepository $repository */
$repository = new PersonRepository();

try {
    /** @var Person $person */
    $person = $repository->delete(1);
} catch (RepositoryException $exception) {
    // do something if operation fails

Using helper function

You can use the helper function by providing the FQDN of a repository or a model.

If a repository exists for a given model, an instance of the repository is returned otherwise an abstract repository is returned allowing you to preform all the builtin CRUD functionality.

The Person model has a PersonRepository

/** @var PersonRepository $person */
$personRepository = repository(PersonRepository::class);

/** @var PersonRepository $person */
$personRepository = repository(Person::class);

The Dog model doesn't have a repository

/** @var bigpaulie\repository\Repository $dog */
$repository = repository(Dog::class);

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Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml


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license. Please see the license file for more information.