
A library for big five to manage permissions

1.0.46 2024-02-19 20:58 UTC


Documentation, Installation, and Usage Instructions

To get started with using the package, we'll install it using the following command:

add the private repository in your composer.json file

"repositories": [
		"type": "vcs",
		"url": ""
composer require bigfive-edition/laravel-bfe-permission

Now that we've installed the package, we'll need to publish the database migration and config file:

php artisan bfe-permission:install

We can now run the migrations to create the new tables in our database:

php artisan migrate

Assuming that we are using the default config values and haven't changed anything in the package's config/bfe-permission.php, we should now have five new tables in our database:

We can also generate the default

php artisan bfe-permission:generate-teams
php artisan bfe-permission:generate-roles
php artisan bfe-permission:generate-abilities

Http Routes

it comes with default routes for managing team, roles, and abilities check the postman collection




Http Route Middlewares

Adding routes middlewares as follow. Note that the | is for OR operations and the & is for AND operations




Gates and Policies [refer to]

Here are the predefined abilities beside the ones autogenerated and managed by admin in bfe_permission_abilities table

bfe-permission-belongs-teams: checks if the user belongs to passed teams

Gate::allows('bfe-permission-belongs-teams', 'admin')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-belongs-teams', 'admin | manager')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-belongs-teams', 'admin & manager')

bfe-permission-has-roles: checks if the user has passed roles

Gate::allows('bfe-permission-has-roles', 'admin')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-roles', 'admin | waiter')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-roles', 'admin & waiter')

bfe-permission-has-abilities: checks if the user has passed abilities on passed resource

Gate::allows('bfe-permission-has-abilities', 'create_user')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-abilities', 'create_user | delete_user')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-abilities', 'create_user & delete_user')
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-abilities', ['create_user | delete_user', $resourceObject])
Gate::forUser($user)->allows('bfe-permission-has-abilities', ['create_user & delete_user', $resourceObject])

ability-name: checks if the user has ability on passed resource

Gate::forUser($user)->allows('ability-name', $resourceObject)