
Calculates taxes for all european countries

v1.0.3 2015-01-02 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 03:26:21 UTC


Calculates taxes for all european countries, according to whether the seller's country tax rate (most product types) or the customer's country tax rate (downlodable products among others since 1st january 2015) applies.

VAT rates are extracted from this document:


With composer :

composer require biblys/eurotax:dev-master

Packagist page:


Say you're selling an ebook from a french bookshop to a belgian customer: Belgium standard tva rate must be used.

$tax = new \Biblys\EuroTax('FR', 'BE', \Biblys\EuroTax::EBOOK);
$tax->isNewLawApplicable(); // Will return true 
echo $tax->getTaxRate(); // Will echo 21

Available countries

  • BE: Belgium
  • BU: Bulgaria
  • CZ: Czech Republic
  • DK: Denmark
  • DE: Germany
  • EE: Estonia
  • EL: Greece
  • ES: Spain
  • FR: France
  • HR: Croatia
  • IE: Ireland
  • IT: Italy
  • CY: Cyprus
  • LV: Latvia
  • LT: Lithania
  • LU: Luxembourg
  • HU: Hungary
  • MT: Malta
  • NL: Netherlands
  • AT: Austria
  • PL: Poland
  • PT: Portugal
  • RO: Romania
  • SI: Slovenia
  • SK: Slovakia
  • FI: Finland
  • SE: Sweden
  • UK: United Kingdom

Available product types

  • BOOK
  • AUDIOEBOOK (selled on physical support, eg. CD)
  • EAUDIOBOOK (downloable audio books)
  • PERIODICAL (magazines, etc.)
  • CD
  • DVD


I created this class with only the countries and product types I needed in my app, but feel free to add whatever your need and share it by doing pull requests.


1.0.3 (05/01/2015)

  • Quickfix setting isNewLawApplicable to false for non downloadable

1.0.2 (05/01/2015)

  • Added books & ebooks VAT rates for all european countries
  • Added method isNewLawApplicable() that returns false if country is not in Europe or date of sale is < 2015-01-01
  • Various bug fixes

1.0.1 (02/01/2015)

  • Allow lowercase for country codes
  • Fallback to seller's country if customer's unknown
  • Fallback to STANDARD product type if type does not exist

1.0.0 (01/01/2015)

  • First release