
Create deliberate spelling mistakes or typos in text.

v1.0.0 2020-05-16 19:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 06:32:01 UTC


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A library that creates deliberate spelling mistakes/typos for you.

Installation instructions

composer require bert-w/typomaniac

Quick start

Code Samples
$typomaniac = new \BertW\Typomaniac\Typomaniac([
    // Chance of an error (0 - 100), decided per character (default).
    'chance' => 2,
    // Usable mistakes (default).
    'mistakes' => [

$result = $typomaniac->typo('Please create random typo\'s in this text. The longer the text the more chance of an error!');

It has a convenient __toString() method to get the actual string output:

echo $result;

// Result:
// 'Please create randoom typo's in tihs text. The longer the text the more chance of an  error!'

$result also has more properties that could be useful:

class Result {
    /** @var array List of used mistakes and their frequency. */
    public $usedMistakes = [];

    /** @var array List of available mistakes. */
    public $mistakes = [];

    /** @var int The chance of a mistake (0 - 100). */
    public $chance;

Explanation of the various Mistake types

  • CharacterAccents: Make a mistake for misentered accent characters. ΓΌ => "u || u".
  • CharacterRepeat: Repeat a character. a => aa
  • CharactersFlip: Flip a character with the previous one. af => fa
  • CharacterSkip: Skip a key stroke (simply returns an empty string). a => (empty)
  • KeyboardTypo: Choose a random key that is physically near another key on a QWERTY keyboard. a => q
  • CharacterChangeCapitalization: Change the character capitalization to either lower or uppercase. A => a

Adding your own mistake type

Before trying to add your own mistake class, please read the Inner workings below first.

To add your own spelling mistake, simply create a class and extend it from BertW\Typomaniac\Mistakes\Mistake. See the source code for examples.

// Add a mistake to the default mistake options (or assign it in the constructor).
$result = $typomaniac->typo(...);

Inner workings

  • Typomaniac loops your input string one character at a time.
  • Per each character, the $chance property is used to determine whether a mistake should take place.
  • Once this happens, one of the Mistake classes is randomly chosen as the current active Mistake.
  • As long as the Mistake->end() function returns false, it will continue to push characters to the Mistake input. This allows us to send a substring of arbitrary length of the input to the Mistake class. For instance, the CharactersFlip class expects 2 characters and returns the 2 characters but flipped.
  • Once the Mistake->end() function returns true, the Mistake class is asked to make a mistake on the received input. i.e. CharactersFlip would return 'af' for a given input string 'fa'.
  • The loop is continued, so a new Mistake can take place (or the end is reached, in which case, it stops).