
Rule-based RSS and Atom parser

2.1.0 2017-09-12 18:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 05:57:22 UTC


This PHP library contains an extensible, rule based parser for RSS and Atom news feeds. It's way of working is inpsired by Alex Debril's feed-io, but it's been rewritten from scratch to be a bit cleaner and more easily extensible. It doesn't have all the features of the original, but you can easily create new parsing standards or extend existing one without rummaging through the library code.



FeedParser can be included in the usual way with composer:

    composer require benkle/feed-parser


For a quick start you can instantiate the class \Benkle\FeedParser\Reader and directly fetch a feed:

$reader = new \Benkle\FeedParser\Reader();
$feed = $reader->read(file_get_contents(''));

echo $feed->getTitle() . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($feed->getItems() as $item) {
    echo "\t" . $item->getTitle() . PHP_EOL;

Create your own rules

FeedParser is based on rules, which are organized on standards.

A rule can be any class implementing \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\RuleInterface:

class MyRule implements \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\RuleInterface {
    public function canHandle(\DOMNode $node, \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\NodeInterface $target)
        return $node->nodeName == 'title' && $target instanceof \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\ChannelInterface;

    public function handle(\Benkle\FeedParser\Parser $parser, \DOMNode $node, \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\NodeInterface $target)
        /** \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\ChannelInterface $target */

Rules can be added to any standard via it's rule set, which is a priority ordered list:

/** @var \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\StandardInterface $standard */
foreach ($reader->getStandards() as $standard) {
    $standard->getRules()->add(new MyRule(), 5); // Rules are ordered by priority

But often you might want to aggregate all your rules in a standard. Standards are classes implementing \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\StandardInterface:

class MyStandard implements \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\StandardInterface {
    use \Benkle\FeedParser\Traits\WithParserTrait;
    use \Benkle\FeedParser\Traits\WithRuleSetTrait;

    public function __construct()
        $this->getRules()->add(new MyRule(), 5);

    public function newFeed()
        return new \Benkle\FeedParser\Feed();

    public function getRootNode(\DOMDocument $dom)
        return $dom->getElementsByTagName('feed')->item(0);

    public function canHandle(\DOMDocument $dom)
        return $dom->getElementsByTagName('feed')->length > 0;

Adding a standard to a Reader is just as simple as adding a rule to a standard:

$reader->getStandards()->add(new MyStandard(), 5);

Included standards are:

  • Atom10Standard for Atom 1.0
  • RSS09Standard for RSS 0.9
  • RSS10Standard for RSS 1.0
  • RSS20Standard for RSS 2.0

Set your own DOM parser

This library uses the PHP DOM library classes for it's XML traversing. To use your own library you have to write a wrapper arround it implementing \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\DOMParserInterface:

$reader->setDomParser(new class implements \Benkle\FeedParser\Interfaces\DOMParserInterface {
    public function parse($source)
        $parser = new \MyFancy\DomParser();
        return $parser->parse($source);

FeedParser already include a wrapper for the standard library, which is fast but fails when a feeds isn't valid XML, and for the Masterminds HTML5 parser, which is more fault tolerant, but also way slower. It also includes a meta wrapper which will try any number of other wrappers it is given, allowing you to balance speed and reliability:

    new \Benkle\FeedParser\DOMParsers\FallbackStackParser(
        new \Benkle\FeedParser\DOMParsers\PHPDOMParser(),
        new \Benkle\FeedParser\DOMParsers\MastermindsHTML5Parser()

Note: This Wrapper implements Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface and will write notices whenever any of it's protegé throws an exception!

More control

If you need more control over what standards are loaded, and don't need file and http access, you can use the \Benkle\FeedParser\BareReader class:

$reader = new \Benkle\FeedParser\BareReader();
$reader->setDomParser(new \Benkle\FeedParser\DOMParsers\PHPDOMParser());
$reader->getStandards()->add(new \Benkle\FeedParser\Standards\RSS\RSS20Standard());


  • Moved included class PriorityList to a utility package.