
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the bendamqui/arrayql package instead.

Facade to fetch dbunit fixtures without querying the database.

v2.1.2 2020-01-07 22:11 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version License: MIT


One of the challenge when using DbUnit is to write tests that will stay valid even when the data fixtures get modified. As the application grows new tests that will require modifications to the fixtures are meant to happen. Having a direct access to the data fixtures from the tests is often a good way to solve this problem.

This facade allow to do just that without hitting the database to avoid slowing down the tests. It simply receive an instance of PHPUnit\DbUnit\DataSet\ITable which is where DbUnit store the data fixtures that are used to seed the database before each test. It then provides methods that allow a more precise access to the data then the original ITable interface in order to keep the test code cleaner.


composer require bendamqui/dbunit-table

Basic Setup example

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Bendamqui\DbUnit\FixtureUtil;

class DbUnitUsersTest extends TestCase
     * @var FixtureUtil
    private $users_table;
        * @var array 
    private $data = [];
     * @var YourApp
    private $app;    

    public function setUp()
        $this->users_table = new FixtureUtil($this->data);


Below are a few basic examples of how to take advantage of the facade to write tests that will still be valid if the fixture changes while keeping your code clean and avoiding unnecessary call to the database.

public function testGetAllUsers()
	$expected = $this->users_table->getRowCount();
	$response = $this->app->get('users');
	$this->assertCount($expected, $response);
public function testPendingUserCannotLogIn()
	$pending_users = $this->users_table->getWhere(['status' => 'pending']);
	foreach ($pending_users as $user) {
		$response = $this->app->post('login', ['email' => $user['email'], 'pass' => $user['pass']]);
		$this->assertEquals(401, $response->getCode(), 'Pending user should not be able to log in.');
	$this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($pending_users));
public function testCannotUpdateUserWithAnInvalidEmail()
	// Get a valid payload to update a user and override the email field. 
	$payload = $this->users_table->get(['email' => 'invalid_email']);
	$response = $this->app->put('user', $payload);
	$this->assertEquals(422, $response->getCode(), 'User update with invalid email should receive a bad request response');


Visibility Function
public get(array $override=array(), int $row=0) : array
Get one row.
public getAll(array $override=array()) : array
Get all rows.
public getAllRaw() : array
Get all rows in raw format (skip post processing).
public getByPrimaryKey(mixed $id, array/mixed $override=array()) : array
Get one row by primary key
public getRaw(int $row=0) : array
Get a row by its row number (skip post processing).
public getRowCount() : int
Get the number of row in the table
public getValue(mixed $column, int $row=0) : mixed
Get the value of a given row/column in the Table.
public getWhere(array $filters=array()) : array
Get many rows using filters in the form of key value. Perform AND only.
public setHidden(array $hidden) : void
Set a list of columns that should not be returned when fetching row(s)
public setPrimaryKey(string $primary_key) : void
Set the primary key of the table. Is set to 'id' by default.