
A small set of function I needed often in small projects. And a simple translation function.

0.1.2 2023-11-14 14:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 19:57:28 UTC


Disclaimer 2023: This package is not maintained anymore. The parts of the package are now own packages. Please use them instead.


Just a collection of various php snippets I used from time to time.

Install the package

Deprecated: Please use the new packages instead:

Please use composer to install the package:

composer require basteyy/various-php-snippets

Snippets Overview


The function getDateTimeFormat create a valid MySQL-Datetime-Formatted datetime.

By default the function will create the current datetime. You can pass a DateTime Instance to change the output.


echo \basteyy\VariousPhpSnippets\getDateTimeFormat();
// Result: current date time in format: yyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ii

echo \basteyy\VariousPhpSnippets\getDateTimeFormat((new DateTime('2020-01-01 10:10:10'))->modify('+2 years'));
// Result: 2022-01-01 10:10:10


The function getNiceDateTimeFormat returns a nice to read version of a given or, if first argument is null, the current MySQL-Datetime-Formatted datetime.

By default, the function will create the current datetime. You can pass a DateTime Instance to change the output.

Be default, the function used the current default Locale. You can set up a Locale somewhere in your code (before calling the function) or pass a locale as a string as the second parameter to the function.


echo \basteyy\VariousPhpSnippets\getNiceDateTimeFormat();
// Result: current date time in format: May 01 22, 09:59 pm 

echo \basteyy\VariousPhpSnippets\getDateTimeFormat((new DateTime('2020-01-01 10:10'))->modify('+2 years'), 'de');
// Result: 01. Januar 2022, 10:10

echo \basteyy\VariousPhpSnippets\getDateTimeFormat((new DateTime('2020-01-01 10:10'))->modify('+2 years'));
// Result: January 01 22, 10:10 am


Deprecated: Use \basteyy\Stringer\removeDoubleSlashes instead.


Deprecated: Use \basteyy\Stringer\getRandomString instead.


Deprecated: Use \basteyy\Stringer\slugify instead.


Deprecated: Use \varDebug from basteyy/var-debug instead.


Deprecated: Use basteyy/php-i18n instead.