
A simple php class which provides a few function for manipulating strings, get random strings and work with times/datetime objects.

1.1.1 2023-11-15 16:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 11:58:02 UTC


Every developer knows the drill: Here I need a random string, there I have to generate a URL from an input, and then I want to find out how long ago an event was. This package bundles a few functions that I constantly need in my projects. You are welcome to contribute and expand it.


composer require basteyy/php-stringer


To use the basteyy\php-stringer package in your projects, here are some examples with their expected outputs:

String Mainiplation

Escape String

For safe output of strings in an HTML context, use escapeString:

echo basteyy\Stringer\escapeString('<script>alert("hello")</script>');
// Output: &lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;hello&quot;)&lt;/script&gt;

Generate Hash Sum

Create a hash sum of a string (default algorithm is SHA256) using getStringHashSum:

echo basteyy\Stringer\getStringHashSum('yourStringHere');
// Output: [sha256 hash of 'yourStringHere']

Remove Double Slashes

Use remove_double_slashes to clean up file paths or URLs:

echo basteyy\Stringer\remove_double_slashes('');
// Output:

Slugify Text

Convert a string into a URL-optimized version with getSlugifiedText:

echo basteyy\Stringer\getSlugifiedText('Hello World! How are you?');
// Output: hello-world-how-are-you
Slugify (Deprecated)

For backward compatibility, slugify is still available but is deprecated. It functions the same as getSlugifiedText:

echo basteyy\Stringer\slugify('This is a Test String!');
// Output: this-is-a-test-string

Random String Generation

Generate Alphanumeric String

echo basteyy\Stringer\getRandomAlphaNumericString(10);
// Output example: "1a2b3c4d5e"

Generate Numeric String

echo basteyy\Stringer\getRandomNumericString(10);
// Output example: "1234567890"

Generate Alphabet String

echo basteyy\Stringer\getRandomAlphaString(10);
// Output example: "aBcDeFgHiJ"

Generate String with Custom Characters:

echo basteyy\Stringer\getRandomString(10, '!@#$%^&*()');
// Output example: "%$@!^&*!@"

Create memorable password

The createMemorablePassword function in the basteyy\Stringer library generates passwords that are easier to remember, combining words, numbers, and symbols. This function is not cryptographically secure and is more suitable for user-friendly passwords rather than high-security purposes.

$password = basteyy\Stringer\createMemorablePassword(2, 2, 2, true);
echo $password;

In this example, the function generates a password with:

  • 2 random words from a predefined list.
  • 2 random numbers.
  • 2 random symbols from the default symbol set !@#$%^&*.
  • Converts the password to lowercase.

The output will be a string like apple7%cloud4*, making it memorable yet unique. You can adjust the counts of words, numbers, and symbols as needed.

Attention: The function createMemorablePassword is not cryptographically secure and should not be used for high-security.

Time Manipulation

Get Nice Time Ago

getNiceTimeAgo function returns a human-readable time difference from the current time to the provided DateTime.

// Standard usage with default unit names
echo basteyy\Stringer\Times\getNiceTimeAgo('2023-01-01 00:00:00');
// Output example: "2 months ago"

// Exact output
echo basteyy\Stringer\Times\getNiceTimeAgo('2023-01-01 00:00:00', true);
// Output example: "2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes, 6 seconds ago"

// Custom unit names
$customUnitMap = [
    'second' => ['Sekunde', 'Sekunden'],
    'minute' => ['Minute', 'Minuten'],
    // ... other units
echo basteyy\Stringer\Times\getNiceTimeAgo('2023-01-01 00:00:00', false, $customUnitMap);
// Output example: "2 Monate ago"

These examples showcase the versatility of the getNiceTimeAgo function, providing options for exact time intervals, custom unit names, and localization.