
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Functionality to send git log messages to confluence

v0.1.3 2020-02-28 14:01 UTC



Check Resources/config/services.yaml for example configuration.


bin/console release-notes:send-to-confluence <version-tag>
bin/console release-notes:send-to-rocket-chat <version-tag>

First, this command will get all tags from the repository. Then it will search for the defined version/tag and the tag, which was set just before. After this, it will get all commits between these two tags.

If you use the first tag in your repo, it will take all commits from the inital commit to the first tag for changelog-creation.

Symfony 4.x Configuration

Make sure to enable the Bundle in app/config/bundles.php, e.g.

return [
    \Basilicom\ReleaseNotesBundle\ReleaseNotesBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Symfony 3.x Configuration

Same as above, but the bundle must be added to BundleCollection in AppKernel.php, e.g.

if (class_exists('\\Basilicom\\ReleaseNotesBundle\\ReleaseNotesBundle')) {
    $collection->addBundle(new \Basilicom\ReleaseNotesBundle\ReleaseNotesBundle);

Example Configuration

Confluence Publisher
    public: true
    tags: ['console.command']
        $confluenceUser: 'your-username'
        $confluencePassword: 'your-password'
        $confluenceUrl: ''
        $pageId: '123'
RocketChat Publisher

You can define as many message parameters as you need. If you want to provide a dynamic version tag you can append this as a command argument and use the reserved version key to use it. e.g. release-notes:send-to-rocket-chat v0.2.4

        public: true
        tags: ['console.command']
            $rocketChatUser: '%env(ROCKET_CHAT_USER)%'
            $rocketChatPassword: '%env(ROCKET_CHAT_PASSWORD)%'
            $rocketChatBaseUri: ''
            $rocketChatChannel: 'the rocket chat channel you want to post to'
            $message: "
                Value 1 will be inserted here -> {key1}                       \n
                Version: {version}                  \n
                Verantwortlich: #basilicom          \n
                Datum: {date}
                key1: 'value1'
                date: 'd.M.Y H:i:s'
                version: ''