
Anax weather module.

v2.10.0 2020-12-11 13:13 UTC


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Weather Module (bashikr/weather-module)

Anax weather module (weather-module) implements a weather service. You can use this module, together with an Anax installation.

How to use the weather-module as a service?

This is a Anax-module and its usage is primarly intended to be together with the Anax framework. You can first install an instance on anax/anax and then run this module inside it.

Before you install the moduel, be sure to have the same autoload and require structure in your composer.json that is located in your Anax-project's root.

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Anax\\": "src/",
        "Bashar\\": "src/"

Install using composer.

To install weather-module using composer enter the following command:

composer require bashikr/weather-module

You may copy all the module configuration files using scaffold postprocessing file.

# Go to the root of your Anax base repo
bash vendor/bashikr/weather-module/.anax/scaffold/postprocess.d/700_weather_module.bash

Once You have executed the before mentioned bash command, the structure of your ../config/page.php will be changed. Therefore you have to replace the content of page.php again with your original content. Here you can copy the Anax boilerplate code for page.php

Please don't forget to add your tokens inside the config repository:

Insert your weather token inside this file

# Go to the root of your Anax base repo

Insert your ip token inside this file

# Go to the root of your Anax base repo

To kick off with the module, add this route /ip-weather to the navbar. You can find the navbar files inside the path:

# Go to the root of your Anax base repo

config/navbar/header.php          // The actual navbar
# Go to the root of your Anax base repo

config/navbar/responsive.php      // The hamburger menu