
Recursive Pipeline Construct

dev-master 2024-03-19 08:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 08:09:45 UTC


With this lib, we are able to separate long executions into multiple tasks. A pipeline enables you to better fulfill single responsibility requirements. This results in better maintainability and testability.

How to

  • The Pipeline passes the Payload and its self into the task.

public function __invoke(PayloadInterface $payload, PipelineInterface $pipeline): PayloadInterface;

  • The first task calls the next task, calls the next task, calls the next task ...

$payloadAfterAllSteps = $pipeline->handle($payload);

  • Like in PSR-7 (the request object) you are now able to handle all information by adding and getting information from a payload object
$value = $genericPayload->getValue();
  1. Create Task(s)
  2. Initialize Pipeline
  3. Fill Payload
  4. Execute Pipe
  5. Evaluate Pipe

Use Pipeline Service

You are able to simple create your pipelines from your DI (PSR-11 Container Service Manager required). It just takes two lines of code (+Config)

The PipelineService class allows you to pass tasks as service hashes.

// .. In your factory
$tasksFromEnvConfig = $config->getTasks() // somewhere in your config: [Task1::class, Task2::class, Task3::class];
$pipeline = (new PipelineService)->createPsr11($serviceManager, $tasksFromEnvConfig);

With mbaron/Pipeline you are able to create quite complex tasks in no time:

// Configuration of BiPRO Request (= German XML Request Standard)
$tasklist = [
    [ // do Request
        ErrorHandlerTask::class, // catch execution of submission even on error
        // .. some additional things like set quote, upload documents etc.
    [ // do something additionally

Best Practices

  • Use RecursivePipeline to create "Sub Pipelines" => Dynamic Tasks
  • Because of the Structure every task has a "before handle next step" and "after handle next step"
  • Interrupt pipeline by throwing an exception or return $payload without handling the next step


Initialize Pipeline manually

Of course it would be better to use DI instead of new all the time

// Create Tasks in order of execution
$tasks = [
    new ExceptionTask(),
    new ErrorBagTask(),
    new OpenStreamTask(),
    new ReadValuesTask(),
    new ValidateValuesTask(),
    new RequireDocumentsTask(),
    new HandleImportTask(),

// Create Pipeline
$pipeline = new \mbaron\Pipeline\Pipeline($tasks);

// Create Payload
$payload = new ImportPayload();

// Setup Payload
$payload->setEnvironment($env); // <= here you also could use $pipeline->setOptions(...)

// Do the thing the pipeline is constructed for
$payload = $pipeline->handle($payload);
// Evaluate result
Simple Task which does something

Use the pipeline object to pass configuration and handle data between tasks

public function __invoke(PayloadInterface $payload, PipelineInterface $pipeline): PayloadInterface {
    // there is something, so we need to continue with our tasks
    if ($payload->getValue() > 0) {
        return $pipeline->handle($payload);
    // we do not allow negative values => Completely interrupt process
    if ($payload->getValue() < 0) {
        throw new \Exception("Negative Values are not allowed here");

    // Value is 0, let's pretend there is nothing more to do. => Interrupt from here and go back up the callstack
    return $payload;
Exception Handling Task

Handle (maybe only certain) exceptions within the pipe

public function __invoke(PayloadInterface $payload, PipelineInterface $pipeline): PayloadInterface {
    try {
        // handle next steps BEFORE doing something
        $payload = $pipeline->handle($payload);
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        $this->logger->logException($e, ['context' => $payload]);
    return $payload;
Error Bag

Process multiple errors with error bags

public function __invoke(PayloadInterface $payload, PipelineInterface $pipeline): PayloadInterface {
    // Do something before handle next steps

    // Pipeline will add errors to error bag
    $payload = $pipeline->handle($payload);

    // "On the way back" and after handling, we check if something is inside the error bag
    if ($payload->getErrorBag()->hasErrors()) {
    return $payload;