
There is no license information available for the latest version (v2.0.4) of this package.

Smart package for currency rate manipulation by ČNB.

v2.0.4 2022-11-05 17:36 UTC


Integrity check

A small simple PHP library for finding current exchange rates.

We draw the exchange rate list from the website of the Czech National Bank, which updates it every hour.

📦 Installation & Basic Usage

This package can be installed using Package Manager which is also part of the Baraja Sandbox. If you are not using it, you have to install the package manually following this guide.

A model configuration can be found in the common.neon file inside the root of the package.

To manually install the package call Composer and execute the following command:

composer require baraja-core/currency-exchange-rate

📄 License

baraja-core/currency-exchange-rate is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.