
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the salesmask/maskapi package instead.

PHPRestAPI is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful Restful APIs

1.0.2 2018-04-29 15:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-12-15 16:10:45 UTC


Total Downloads License

PHP Rest API is a PHP micro-framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful APIs.


It's recommended that you use Composer to install PHP Rest API.

$ composer require badrinathmutkule/phprestapi "dev-master"

This will install PHP Rest API and all required dependencies. PHP Rest API requires PHP 5.5.0 or newer.


Create an index.php file with the following contents:


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$rest = new PHPRestFramework\Rest("routes.yaml");

Create routes.yaml file for defining your routes

- url: /hello/world
  method: get
  controller: User
  action: getGreetings

- url: /hello/world
  method: post
  controller: User
  action: postGreetings
        message: required

Create a folder named Application where you will write all your models and controllers Now create controller file named User.php under Application folder with following contents


namespace Application;

class User extends \PHPRestFramework\Controller {

    public function __construct(){
        //write any construct code 
        //you can write pre validation here 

    public function getGreetings(){
        //do stuff here 
        $code = 1000;
        $message = ["success"];
        $data = [
            "greetings" => "welcome to PHP Rest API Framework"
        return $this->_response_object(false, $code, $message, $data);

    public function postGreetings(){

        //access input by using $this->_param("index");
        $message = $this->_param("message");

        //if you want to xss filter input use 
        $message = $this->_param("message", true);

        //do stuff with params
        //and return response 

        $code = 1000;
        $message = ["success"];

        return $this->_response_object(false, $code, $message);

        // $this->_response_object(); accepts 4 params as follows
        // 1 -> status boolean true/false
        // 2 -> status code (not http code ) any integer value
        // 3 -> array<string> message success ior error
        // 4 -> array<data> any data on success 



You may quickly test this running the built-in PHP server:

$ php -S localhost:8000

Going to http://localhost:8000/hello/world will now display -

    "error": true,
    "code": 1000,
    "message": ["success"],
    "data": {
        "greetings": "Welcome to PHP Rest API framework"
    "process_time": 0.0000086408

For more information on how to configure your web server, see the [Documentation].

Available Validators

  • required Ensures the specified key value exists and is not empty
  • valid_email Checks for a valid email address
  • max_len,n Checks key value length, makes sure it's not longer than the specified length. n = length parameter.
  • min_len,n Checks key value length, makes sure it's not shorter than the specified length. n = length parameter.
  • exact_len,n Ensures that the key value length precisely matches the specified length. n = length parameter.
  • alpha Ensure only alpha characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z)
  • alpha_numeric Ensure only alpha-numeric characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
  • alpha_dash Ensure only alpha-numeric characters + dashes and underscores are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _-)
  • alpha_space Ensure only alpha-numeric characters + spaces are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, \s)
  • numeric Ensure only numeric key values
  • integer Ensure only integer key values
  • boolean Checks for PHP accepted boolean values, returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes"
  • float Checks for float values
  • valid_url Check for valid URL or subdomain
  • url_exists Check to see if the url exists and is accessible
  • valid_ip Check for valid generic IP address
  • valid_ipv4 Check for valid IPv4 address
  • valid_ipv6 Check for valid IPv6 address
  • valid_cc Check for a valid credit card number (Uses the MOD10 Checksum Algorithm)
  • valid_name Check for a valid format human name
  • is_in,n Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set. The list of valid values must be provided in semicolon-separated list format (like so: value1;value2;value3;..;valuen). If a validation error occurs, the list of valid values is not revelead (this means, the error will just say the input is invalid, but it won't reveal the valid set to the user.
  • not_in,n Verify that a value is not contained within the pre-defined value set. Semicolon (;) separated, list not outputted. See the rule above for more info.
  • street_address Checks that the provided string is a likely street address. 1 number, 1 or more space, 1 or more letters
  • iban Check for a valid IBAN
  • min_numeric Determine if the provided numeric value is higher or equal to a specific value
  • max_numeric Determine if the provided numeric value is lower or equal to a specific value
  • date Determine if the provided input is a valid date (ISO 8601)
  • starts_with Ensures the value starts with a certain character / set of character
  • phone_number Validate phone numbers that match the following examples: 555-555-5555 , 5555425555, 555 555 5555, 1(519) 555-4444, 1 (519) 555-4422, 1-555-555-5555
  • regex You can pass a custom regex using the following format: 'regex,/your-regex/'
  • valid_json validate string to check if it's a valid json format
  • guidv4 Determine if the provided string is a valid guidv4 format
  • valid_file Determine if the value is a valid file uplopad
  • max_file_size Determine if the uploaded file size is less than specified size in MB
  • allowed_extension Determine if uploaded file extension is within the pre-defined value set valid values must be provided in semicolon-separated list format (like so: value1;value2;value3;..;valuen)
  • file_type Determine if the uploaded file is of type within the pre-defined value set valid values must be provided in semicolon-separated list format (like so: value1;value2;value3;..;valuen)
  • valid_image Determine if uploaded file is a valid image file
  • min_age Determines if the age for given date is higher or equal to a specific value
  • password Determines if the field is a valid password with eight characters including one uppercase letter, one special character and alphanumeric characters
  • optional No validation is used for optional field

Generate swagger documentation for your apis

create doc.php file with following content

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

define('DEBUG_MODE', TRUE);

$swagger = new PHPRestFramework\Swagger();

    "version" => "1.0",
    "title" => "Test APIs",
    "description" => "Your api description goes here.",
    "license" => [
        "name" => "MIT",
        "url" => ""

$swagger->set_schema("HTTP"); //htttp or https 
$swagger->set_route_file('routes.yaml'); //route file path

run following command

$ php doc.php


To execute the test suite, you'll need phpunit.

$ phpunit


If you discover security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The PHP Rest API Framework is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.