
PHPUnit assertion helper to allow asserting objects are the same

1.0.0 2019-12-08 18:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 19:48:03 UTC


travis status

PHPUnit assertion helper to check if two objects have the same state.

Please note that same state only refers to the state of the properties. If you use the static keyword inside of functions, and they have their own state, then you are on your own.


Use composer:

$ composer require backendtea/assert-object-same-state --dev


This package is compatible with phpunit 8.


use BackEndTea\SameObject\ObjectHasSameStateAssertion;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase
    use ObjectHasSameStateAssertion;

    public function testObjects(): void
        $one = new class{public $a=3;};
        $two = new class{public $a=3;};
        $this->assertObjectHasSameSate($one, $two);

Outside of PHPUnit


$comp = new \BackEndTea\SameObject\ObjectComparator();

$comp->haveSameState($objectOne, $objectTwo);


assertSame() or === checks if the two variables are refferencing the same object, which may not be always what you need. But assertEquals or == is too loose a comparison, as it suffers from the same issues as other loose comparisons.

For example:

class Thing
    public $prop;
    public function __construct($prop)
        $this->prop = $prop;
new Thing(10) == new Thing('10'); // true
new Thing(10) === new Thing('10'); // false
new Thing(10) === new Thing(10); // false


Same state only refers to the state of the properties. If you use the static keyword inside of methods, and they have their own state, then you are on your own.