
Simple standalone PHP validation trait. That can be user in any object

1.0.0 2020-03-20 12:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 20:22:41 UTC



Programming language Scrutinizer code quality Travis build

This is a simple PHP standalone trait, that can be used to validate properties in any object. The validation process based on the Symfony Validation Component

🚀 Installation

This library requeired PHP version 7.2 or highter. And composer - package manger for PHP.

  $ composer require b-tokman/validation 

💡 Usage

After the installation you'll be able to use the bTokman\validation\ValidationTrait trait in your app.

You cannot override a trait's property in the class where the trait is used. However, you can override a trait's property in a class that extends the class where the trait is used:

  • Start using trait in your base class
  • Declare validation rules in your extended class. List of availible Rules
  • On a new instance of your class just call method validate.
class BaseObject
    use bTokman\validation\ValidationTrait;


class ValidationObject extends BaseObject
    public $validationRules = [
        'password' => [NotBlank::class, [Length::class, ['min' => 8]]],

    public $password;


$object = new ValidationObject();
$result = $object->validate();

Or you can override a trait's property in a class constructor:

class ValidationObject
    use bTokman\validation\ValidationTrait;

    public function __construct()
        $this->validationRules = [
            'password' => [NotBlank::class, [Length::class, ['min' => 8]]],
    public $password;

$object = new ValidationObject();
$result = $object->validate();

The validation result is

  • array of errors [[fieldName] => [errorMessage1, errorMessag2, ...] .
  • null if the validation was passed.