azurre / php-simple-logger
Simple PSR-3 logger
- php: >=5.6.0
- psr/log: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-24 01:01:48 UTC
Simple Logger is a powerful PSR-3 logger for PHP that is simple to use.
- Power and Simplicity
- PSR-3 logger interface
- Multiple handlers support
- Multiple log level severities
- Log channels
- Process ID logging
- Custom log messages
- Custom contextual data
- Exception logging
$ composer require azurre/php-simple-logger
Simple 20-Second Getting-Started Tutorial
use \Azurre\Component\Logger; use \Azurre\Component\Logger\Handler\File; $logger = new Logger(); $logger->info('Simple Logger really is simple.');
That's it! Your application is logging! Log file will be "default.log".
Extended Example
use \Azurre\Component\Logger; use \Azurre\Component\Logger\Handler\File; $logfile = '/var/log/events.log'; $channel = 'billing'; $logger = new Logger($channel); $logger->setHandler(new File($logfile)); $logger->info('Begin process that usually fails.', ['process' => 'invoicing', 'user' => $user]); try { invoiceUser($user); // This usually fails } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger->error('Billing failure.', ['process' => 'invoicing', 'user' => $user, 'exception' => $e]); }
Logger output
2017-02-13 00:35:55.426630 [info] [billing] [pid:17415] Begin process that usually fails. {"process":"invoicing","user":"bob"} {}
2017-02-13 00:35:55.430071 [error] [billing] [pid:17415] Billing failure. {"process":"invoicing","user":"bob"} {"message":"Could not process invoice.","code":0,"file":"/path/to/app.php","line":20,"trace":[{"file":"/path/to/app.php","line":13,"function":"invoiceUser","args":["mark"]}]}
Log Output
Log lines have the following format:
YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss.uuuuuu [loglevel] [channel] [pid:##] Log message content {"Optional":"JSON Contextual Support Data"} {"Optional":"Exception Data"}
Log lines are easily readable and parsable. Log lines are always on a single line. Fields are tab separated.
Log Levels
'Simple Logger has eight log level severities based on PSR Log Levels.
$logger->debug('Detailed information about the application run.'); $logger->info('Informational messages about the application run.'); $logger->notice('Normal but significant events.'); $logger->warning('Information that something potentially bad has occured.'); $logger->error('Runtime error that should be monitored.'); $logger->critical('A service is unavailable or unresponsive.'); $logger->alert('The entire site is down.'); $logger->emergency('The Web site is on fire.');
By default all log levels are logged. The minimum log level can be changed in two ways:
- Optional constructor parameter
- Setter method at any time
use \Psr\Log\LogLevel; use \Azurre\Component\Logger; // Optional constructor Parameter (Only error and above are logged [error, critical, alert, emergency]) $logger = new Logger($channel, LogLevel::ERROR); // Setter method (Only warning and above are logged) $logger->setLogLevel(LogLevel::WARNING);
Contextual Data
'Simple Logger enables logging best practices to have general-use log messages with contextual support data to give context to the message.
The second argument to a log message is an associative array of key-value pairs that will log as a JSON string, serving as the contextual support data to the log message.
// Add context to a Web request. $log->info('Web request initiated', ['method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => 'user/account', 'queryParameters' => 'id=1234']); // Add context to a disk space warning. $log->warning('Free space is below safe threshold.', ['volume' => '/var/log', 'availablePercent' => 4]);
Logging Exceptions
Exceptions are logged with the contextual data using the key exception and the value the exception variable.
catch (\Exception $e) { $logger->error('Something exceptional has happened', ['exception' => $e]); }
Log Channels
Think of channels as namespaces for log lines. If you want to have multiple loggers or applications logging to a single log file, channels are your friend.
Channels can be set in two ways:
- Constructor parameter
- Setter method at any time
// Constructor Parameter $channel = 'router'; $logger = new Logger($channel); // Setter method $logger->setChannel('database');
Unit Tests
$ cd tests
$ phpunit