
Azure Storage Blob filesystem driver for Laravel

1.3.0 2025-02-25 11:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-25 11:56:01 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Packagist Downloads

Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 8.1 or above


Install the package using composer:

composer require azure-oss/storage-blob-laravel

Then add this to the disks section of config/filesystems.php:

'azure' => [ 
    'driver' => 'azure-storage-blob',
    'connection_string' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING'),
    'container' => env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER'),


Usage follows Laravel's filesystem conventions. For uploading, retrieving, and managing files, refer to the official Laravel documentation: 📖 Laravel Filesystem Documentation


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Azure-Storage-PHP-Adapter-Flysystem is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

PHP Version Support Policy

The maintainers of this package add support for a PHP version following its initial release and drop support for a PHP version once it has reached its end of security support.