
Laravel Request Logger

Installs: 15

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.2.1 2022-10-20 01:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 04:43:33 UTC


Logs all HTTP requests performed to and from your Laravel application, as well as GuzzleHTTP requests.


  • Log incoming (Laravel) and outgoing (GuzzleHttp) requests
  • Blacklists and whitelists for URLs (with regular expressions), MIME types, HTTP status codes
  • Save logs to database
  • Write logs to Laravel log
  • Pass log items to user callback function
  • Log rotation (by count and date)
  • Save authenticated user (multiple laravel user models are supported)


  1. Run composer require azurath/larelog
  2. Add \Azurath\Larelog\Middleware\Logger::class to the end of $middleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php
  3. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Azurath\Larelog\LarelogProvider
  4. Run php artisan migrate
  5. Enjoy.


If you're using GuzzleHttp and want to log requests performed via it, just pass additional parameter while creating GuzzleHttp instance:

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
        'handler' => (new \Azurath\Larelog\Larelog())->getGuzzleLoggerStack(),

Or you can attach Larelog callback to existing stack:

    $handlerStack = HandlerStack::create();
    $larelogStackCallback = (new \Azurath\Larelog\Larelog())->getGuzzleLoggerStackItem();


Settings stored in config/larelog.php.

Log rotation


$schedule->job(new \Azurath\Larelog\Jobs\RotateLogs())

to app/Console/Kernel.php to enable log rotation.

Convert request item to text

You can get text representation of log item stored in database:

$logItem = \Azurath\Larelog\Models\LarelogItem::where(...)->first();
$text = $logItem->formatAsText();

Get authenticated user for the request item

If request performed by authenticated user, it's id and model name (for cases when you have different auth guards with different providers) also saved to db. You can access this user:

$logItem = \Azurath\Larelog\Models\LarelogItem::where(...)->first();
$user = $logItem->user;


Basically this logger saves request start time (started_at), request execution time (execution_time), direction of request (direction, 'incoming' or 'outgoing'), laravel request type (type, api/web/etc), HTTP method (http_method), HTTP protocol version (http_protocol_version), HTTP response code (http_code), URL (url), request headers (request_headers), request data (request), response headers(response_headers), response data (response), and, if authenticated, Laravel user who're performed this request (property user, relation user()).


Q: Why 'Azurath'?
A: It's misheard name 'Azurewrath', which then spoked like 'Azuraf', which become a nickname spoken like 'Azurat' over a years.

Q: Why 'Larelog'?
A: LAravel REquest LOGger.