
Provides transactional wrapper for the controllers and services

1.0.0 2013-05-03 23:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 12:07:41 UTC


This bundle provides transactional wrapper for the controllers and services. In the most simple case the usage is as simple as adding the @Transactionable annotation to the Controller action:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/Controllers/SomeController.php
class SomeController extends Controller
     * @Transactionable
    public function performRollbackOnExceptionAction()
        // Persist some changes to the database using Doctrine DBAL or Doctrine ORM, whatever
        // ...
        // ...

        // Throw an exceptions
        // All changes performed upper will be rolled back
        throw new \RuntimeException();

or to some service method:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/SomeService.php
class SomeService
     * @Transactionable
    public function performRollbackOnException()
        // ...

    // ...
    // ...

There are some options to customize the @Transactionable behavior, see below.


This bundle can be installed via composer. Just add the following lines to the comsposer.json

// composer.json
    // ...
    require: {
        // ...
        "axsy/transactional-bundle": "dev-master"

Please replace dev-master in the snippet above with the latest stable branch, for example 1.0.*. Please check the tags on Github for which versions are available.

Then, you can install the new dependencies by running Composer's update command from the directory where your composer.json file is located:

php composer.phar update

Now, Composer will automatically download all required files, and install them for you. All that is left to do is to update your AppKernel.php file, and register the new bundle:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Axsy\TransactionalBundle\AxsyTransactionalBundle(),
    // ...

Please make sure, that JMS\AopBundle\JMSAopBundle and JMS\DiExtraBundle\JMSDiExtraBundle are registered too. They're already registered in the Symfony Standard Edition distribution out of the box.


This bundle allows to set the default Doctrine DBAL connection to be used and\or default transaction isolation level. By defaut the following settings are accepted:

    default_connection:   default

    # Supported isolations are read_uncommitted, read_committed, repeatable_read, serializable
    default_isolation:    read_committed


This annotation allows to override the default connection name and transaction isolation level:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/SomeService.php
class SomeService
     * Transactionable(connection="other", isolation="read_uncommitted")
    public function performRollbackOnException()
        // ...

Also you can explicitly enumerate the class names of the exceptions that will be 'transparent' for the transaction and it will be committed successfully:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/Controllers/SomeController.php
class SomeController extends Controller
     * @Transactionable(noRollbackFor={"Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException"})
    public function performCommitOnNotFoundHttpExceptionAction()
        // ...

and vice versa:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/SomeService.php
class SomeService
     * @Transactionable(rollbackFor={"Acme\SomeBundle\Exceptions\VeryBadException"})
    public function performRollbackOnVeryBadExceptionOnly()
        // ...

@Transactionable annotation can be defined on the class level. This way all methods of the controller/service will be annotated silently too:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/Controllers/SomeController.php
 * @Transactionable(noRollbackFor={"Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException"})
class SomeController extends Controller
    public function performCommitOnNotFoundHttpExceptionAction()
        // ...

    public function thisTooAction()
        // ...

It is possible to override some settings of globally defined annotation on the method level:

use Axsy\TransactionalBundle\Annotation\Transactionable;

// Acme/SomeBundle/SomeService.php
 * @Transactionable(rollbackFor={"Acme\SomeBundle\Exceptions\VeryBadException"})
class SomeService
    public function performRollbackOnVeryBadExceptionOnlyOnDefaultConnection()
        // ...

     * @Transactionable(connection="other")
    public function performRollbackOnVeryBadExceptionOnlyOnOtherConnection()
        // ...


You can simply run the tests for the bundle, run the following commands from the root of the application:

cp vendor/axsy/transactional-bundle/Axsy/TransactionalBundle/phpunit.xml.desc vendor/axsy/transactional-bundle/Axsy/TransactionalBundle/phpunit.xml
phpunit -c vendor/axsy/transactional-bundle/Axsy/TransactionalBundle/phpunit.xml