
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Static constructor and handler trait with interface.

0.1.0 2017-12-19 15:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 19:40:59 UTC


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This package provides a static constructor and handler interface, and a trait that implements the interface.


Via Composer:

composer require aviator/runnable


Via Composer:

composer test


Use the trait:

class Something
    use RunnableTrait;

Then the class can be instantiated and handled using Class::run()(). The static run method returns a closure which accepts any arguments the method (by default get()) requires:

$closure = Something::run($arg1);
$result = $closure($arg2); 

// Or just:

$result = Something::run($arg1)($arg2);

The trait also pulls in Aviator\Makeable, so you get the static constructor make() out of the box.

The interface is optional, though it can be useful in composite interfaces to specify that a static constructor should be present:

interface SomeInterface extends Runnable, SomeOtherInterface
    /* etc */

By default the trait will call get(), but this can be overridden:

class Something
    use RunnableTrait;
    protected static $method = 'handle';
    public function handle ($arg)
        /* etc */

$result = Something::run()('arg');

// Calls the handle() method.

The magic of late static binding means you can override the default method on classes extending abstract classes and classes extending classes, etc.



This package is licensed with the MIT License (MIT).