
Lightweight and very fast Excel Spreadsheet generator from XLSX-templates in PHP

v2.2.0 2024-10-22 20:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 20:18:17 UTC


FastExcelTemplator is a part of the FastExcelPhp Project which consists of


FastExcelTemplator can generate Excel-compatible spreadsheets in XLSX format (Office 2007+) from XLSX templates, very quickly and with minimal memory usage. This library is designed to be lightweight, super-fast and requires minimal memory usage.


  • Supports XLSX format only (Office 2007+) with multiple worksheets
  • Transfers from templates to target spreadsheets styles, images, notes
  • Replaces the entire cell values and substrings
  • You can use any row from a template as row template to insert and replace a row with new values
  • The library can read styling options of cells - formatting patterns, colors, borders, fonts, etc.


Use composer to install FastExcelTemplator into your project:

composer require avadim/fast-excel-templator


Example of template


From this template you can get a file like this


Step 1 - open template and set replacements

// Open template and set output file
$excel = Excel::template($tpl, $out);
// Get the first sheet
$sheet = $excel->sheet();

$fillData = [
    '{{COMPANY}}' => 'Comp Stock Shop',
    '{{ADDRESS}}' => '123 ABC Street',
    '{{CITY}}' => 'Peace City, TN',

// Set replacements of entire cell values for the sheet
// If the value is '{{COMPANY}}', then this value will be replaced,
// but if the value 'Company Name {{COMPANY}}', then this value will not be replaced 

// Set replacements of any occurring substrings
// If the value is '{{DATE}}' or 'Date: {{DATE}}', then substring '{{DATE}}' will be replaced,
$replaceData = ['{{BULK_QTY}}' => 12, '{{DATE}}' => date('m/d/Y')];

Step 2 - transfer the top of the sheet and the table headers from the template to the output file

// Transfer rows 1-6 from templates to output file

There are 6 rows read from template, the output file also contains 6 lines


Step 3 - insert inner table rows

// Get the row number 7 as a template and go to the next row in the template
$rowTemplate = $sheet->getRowTemplate(7);

// Fill row template and insert it into the output
foreach ($allData as $record) {
    $rowData = [
        // In the column A wil be written value from field 'number'
        'A' => $record['number'],
        // In the column B wil be written value from field 'description'
        'B' => $record['description'],
        // And so on...
        'C' => $record['price1'],
        'D' => $record['price2'],
    $sheet->insertRow($rowTemplate, $rowData);

We filled in and inserted rows 7, 8 and 9


Step 4 - Now transfer the remaining rows and save file

// Method transferRows() without arguments transfers remaining rows from the template to the output file 

// ...
// Save new file


You can find code examples in /demo folder

List of functions

Class Excel

Excel::template($template, $output): Excel -- Open template file

  • sheet(?string $name = null): ?Sheet -- Select the specified sheet
  • fill(array $replacement) -- Set replacements of the entire cell value for all sheets
  • replace(array $replacement) -- Set replacements of substrings in a cells for all sheets
  • save(?string $fileName = null, ?bool $overWrite = true): bool -- Save generated XLSX-file
  • download(string $name = null): void -- Download generated file to client (send to browser)

Class Sheet

  • fill(array $replacement) -- Set replacements of the entire cell value for the sheet
  • replace(array $replacement) -- Set replacements of substrings in a cell for the sheet
  • getRowTemplate(int $rowNumber, ?bool $savePointerPosition = false) -- Gets template from the row
  • getRowTemplates(int $rowNumberMin, int $rowNumberMax, ?bool $savePointerPosition = false) -- Gets row template
  • transferRows(?int $countRows = null, $callback = null) -- Transfers rows from template to output
  • transferRowsUntil(?int $maxRowNum = null, $callback = null) -- Transfers rows from template to output
  • insertRow($rowTemplates, ?array $cellData = [])
  • skipRows(?int $countRows = null)
  • skipRowsUntil(?int $maxRowNum = null)

Class RowTemplateCollection

  • cloneCell(string $colSource, $colTarget, ?bool $checkMerge = false): RowTemplateCollection

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