
Collections library.

0.4.0 2024-04-22 18:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 12:06:04 UTC


This library provides a way to manipulate collections.


Use Composer to install the package:

composer require atournayre/collection


Method Description
TypedCollection::createAsList() Create a list from an array
TypedCollection::createAsMap() Create a map from an array
TypedCollectionImmutable::createAsList() Create an immutable list from an array
TypedCollectionImmutable::createAsMap() Create an immutable map from an array
DecimalValueCollection::fromArray() Create a collection of DecimalValue from an array
DecimalValuePrecisionConsistentCollection::fromArray() Create a collection of DecimalValue with precision consistent from an array


Typed Collection

// Samples classes
class Person
    public function __construct(
        public string $name
    ) {}

class People extends TypedCollection
    protected static string $type = Person::class;
// Create collection
$collection = People::createAsList([
    new Person('John'),
$collection[] = new Person('Jack'); // Add item

Typed Collection Immutable

// Samples classes
class Person
    public function __construct(
        public string $name
    ) {}

class People extends TypedCollectionImmutable
    protected static string $type = Person::class;
// Create collection
$collection = People::createAsList([
    new Person('John'),
$collection[] = new Person('Jack'); // Throws a RuntimeException

Decimal Collection

$collection = DecimalValueCollection::fromArray([
    DecimalValue::create(4.235, 3),
    DecimalValue::fromFloat(3.01, 2),
], 2);
$collection[0]->toFloat(); // 4.24
$collection[1]->toFloat(); // 1.00
$collection[2]->toFloat(); // 2.00
$collection[3]->toFloat(); // 3.01


Contributions to the package are always welcome!


All contents of this package are licensed under the MIT license.