
Introducing the AssegaiPHP Validation package, the ultimate tool for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of your application's data. With this package, you can easily implement validation rules for incoming data, whether it be from a form submission, API request, or any other source. The package uti

0.3.2 2023-02-11 11:53 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:34 UTC


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AssegaiPHP Validation

Welcome to the AssegaiPHP validation package! This package is designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use solution for validating data in your AssegaiPHP projects.


To install this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

composer require assegaiphp/validation

Basic Usage

To use this package, simply import the Assegai\Validation\Validator class and create a new instance. You can then use the validate() method to check if a value or array of values meet the specified criteria.

use Assegai\Validation\Validator;

$validator = new Validator();
$isValid = $validator->validate($value, 'required|email');

The second argument to the validate() method is a string containing the validation rules to apply, separated by the | character. In the example above, the required and email rules are applied.

Create a Validation Rule

use Assegai\Validation\Interfaces\IValidationRule;

class MyCustomValidationRule extends IValidationRule
  public function passes(mixed $value): bool
    // validate the value

  public function getErrorMessage(): string
    return 'The value is invalid.';

Available Rules

This package comes with a number of built-in validation rules, including:

  • alpha: value must contain only alphabetic characters
  • alnum: value must contain only alphanumeric characters
  • between:n,m: value must be between n and m (inclusive)
  • domain: value must be a valid domain name
  • email: value must be a valid email address
  • equalTo:n: value must be equal to n
  • float: value must be a floating point number
  • inlist:l: value is in a specific list of allowed values
  • integer: value must be an integer
  • maxLength:n: value must be no more than n characters long
  • max:n: value does not exceed a maximum value, n
  • minLength:n: value must be at least n characters long
  • min:n: value is at least a certain value, n
  • notEqualTo:n: value must not be equal to n
  • notinlist:l: value is not in a specific list of disallowed values
  • numeric: value must be a number
  • regex:n: value must match the given regex pattern n
  • required: value must be present
  • string: value must be a string
  • url: value must be a valid url

You can also create custom validation rules by extending the Assegai\Validation\Rule class and implementing the validate() method.

Validation Attributes

Attribute Description
Common validation attributes
#[IsDefined(mixed $value)] Checks if value is defined (!== undefined, !== null). This is the only attribute that ignores skipMissingProperties option.
#[IsOptional] Checks if given value is empty (=== null, === undefined) and if so, ignores all the validators on the property.
#[Equals(mixed $comparison)] Checks if value equals ("===") comparison.
#[NotEquals(mixed $comparison)] Checks if value not equal ("!==") comparison.
#[IsEmpty] Checks if given value is empty (=== '', === null, === undefined).
#[IsNotEmpty] Checks if given value is not empty (!== '', !== null, !== undefined).
#[IsIn(array $values] Checks if value is in an array of allowed values.
#[IsNotIn(array $values)] Checks if value is not in an array of disallowed values.
Type validation attributes
#[IsBoolean] Checks if a value is a boolean.
#[IsDate] Checks if the value is a date.
#[IsString] Checks if the value is a string.
#[IsNumber(IsNumberOptions $options)] Checks if the value is a number.
#[IsInt] Checks if the value is an integer number.
#[IsArray] Checks if the value is an array
#[IsEnum(string $enum)] Checks if the value is a valid enum
Number validation attributes
#[IsDivisibleBy(num: number)] Checks if the value is a number that's divisible by another.
#[IsPositive] Checks if the value is a positive number greater than zero.
#[IsNegative] Checks if the value is a negative number smaller than zero.
#[Min(min: number)] Checks if the given number is greater than or equal to given number.
#[Max(max: number)] Checks if the given number is less than or equal to given number.
Date validation attributes
#[MinDate(string $date] Checks if the value is a date that's after the specified date.
#[MaxDate(string $date] Checks if the value is a date that's before the specified date.
String-type validation attributes
#[IsBooleanString] Checks if a string is a boolean (e.g. is "true" or "false" or "1", "0").
#[IsDateString] Alias for @IsISO8601().
#[IsNumberString(?IsNumericOptions $options)] Checks if a string is a number.
String validation attributes
#[Contains(seed: string)] Checks if the string contains the seed.
#[NotContains(seed: string)] Checks if the string not contains the seed.
#[IsAlpha] Checks if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
#[IsAlphanumeric] Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers.
#[IsDecimal(?IsDecimalOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a valid decimal value. Default IsDecimalOptions are force_decimal=False, decimal_digits: '1,', locale: 'en-US'
#[IsAscii] Checks if the string contains ASCII chars only.
#[IsBase32] Checks if a string is base32 encoded.
#[IsBase58] Checks if a string is base58 encoded.
#[IsBase64(?IsBase64Options $options)] Checks if a string is base64 encoded.
#[IsIBAN] Checks if a string is a IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
#[IsBIC] Checks if a string is a BIC (Bank Identification Code) or SWIFT code.
#[IsByteLength(int $min, ?int $max)] Checks if the string's length (in bytes) falls in a range.
#[IsCreditCard] Checks if the string is a credit card.
#[IsCurrency(?IsCurrencyOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a valid currency amount.
#[IsISO4217CurrencyCode] Checks if the string is an ISO 4217 currency code.
#[IsEthereumAddress] Checks if the string is an Ethereum address using basic regex. Does not validate address checksums.
#[IsBtcAddress] Checks if the string is a valid BTC address.
#[IsDataURI] Checks if the string is a data uri format.
#[IsEmail(?IsEmailOptions $options)] Checks if the string is an email.
#[IsFQDN(?IsFQDNOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a fully qualified domain name (e.g.
#[IsFullWidth] Checks if the string contains any full-width chars.
#[IsHalfWidth] Checks if the string contains any half-width chars.
#[IsVariableWidth] Checks if the string contains a mixture of full and half-width chars.
#[IsHexColor] Checks if the string is a hexadecimal color.
#[IsHSL] Checks if the string is an HSL color based on CSS Colors Level 4 specification.
#[IsRgbColor(?IsRgbOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a rgb or rgba color.
#[IsIdentityCard(?string $locale)] Checks if the string is a valid identity card code.
#[IsPassportNumber(?string $countryCode)] Checks if the string is a valid passport number relative to a specific country code.
#[IsPostalCode(?string $locale)] Checks if the string is a postal code.
#[IsHexadecimal] Checks if the string is a hexadecimal number.
#[IsOctal] Checks if the string is a octal number.
#[IsMACAddress(?IsMACAddressOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a MAC Address.
#[IsIP(?IPVersion $version)] Checks if the string is an IP (version 4 or 6).
#[IsPort()] Checks if the string is a valid port number.
#[IsISBN(?ISBNVersion $version)] Checks if the string is an ISBN (version 10 or 13).
#[IsEAN] Checks if the string is an if the string is an EAN (European Article Number).
#[IsISIN] Checks if the string is an ISIN (stock/security identifier).
#[IsISO8601(?IsISO8601Options $options)] Checks if the string is a valid ISO 8601 date format. Use the option strict = true for additional checks for a valid date.
#[IsJSON] Checks if the string is valid JSON.
#[IsJWT] Checks if the string is valid JWT.
#[IsObject] Checks if the object is valid Object (null, functions, arrays will return false).
#[IsNotEmptyObject] Checks if the object is not empty.
#[IsLowercase] Checks if the string is lowercase.
#[IsLatLong] Checks if the string is a valid latitude-longitude coordinate in the format lat, long.
#[IsLatitude] Checks if the string or number is a valid latitude coordinate.
#[IsLongitude] Checks if the string or number is a valid longitude coordinate.
#[IsMobilePhone(string $locale)] Checks if the string is a mobile phone number.
#[IsISO31661Alpha2] Checks if the string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 officially assigned country code.
#[IsISO31661Alpha3] Checks if the string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 officially assigned country code.
#[IsLocale] Checks if the string is a locale.
#[IsPhoneNumber(string $region)] Checks if the string is a valid phone number using giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php.
#[IsMongoId] Checks if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId.
#[IsMultibyte] Checks if the string contains one or more multibyte chars.
#[IsNumberString(?IsNumericOptions $options)] Checks if the string is numeric.
#[IsSurrogatePair] Checks if the string contains any surrogate pairs chars.
#[IsTaxId] Checks if the string is a valid tax ID. Default locale is en-US.
#[IsUrl(?IsURLOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a URL.
#[IsMagnetURI] Checks if the string is a magnet uri format.
#[IsUUID(?UUIDVersion $version)] Checks if the string is a UUID (version 3, 4, 5 or all ).
#[IsFirebasePushId] Checks if the string is a Firebase Push ID
#[IsUppercase] Checks if the string is uppercase.
#[Length(int $min, ?int $max)] Checks if the string's length falls in a range.
#[MinLength(int $min)] Checks if the string's length is not less than given number.
#[MaxLength(int $max)] Checks if the string's length is not more than given number.
#[Matches(RegExp $pattern, ?string $modifiers)] Checks if string matches the pattern. Either matches('foo', /foo/i) or matches('foo', 'foo', 'i').
#[IsMilitaryTime] Checks if the string is a valid representation of military time in the format HH:MM.
#[IsTimeZone] Checks if the string represents a valid IANA time-zone.
#[IsHash(string $algorithm)] Checks if the string is a hash The following types are supported:md4, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd128, ripemd160, tiger128, tiger160, tiger192, crc32, crc32b.
#[IsMimeType] Checks if the string matches to a valid MIME type format
#[IsSemVer] Checks if the string is a Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer).
#[IsISSN(?IsISSNOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a ISSN.
#[IsISRC] Checks if the string is a ISRC.
#[IsRFC3339] Checks if the string is a valid RFC 3339 date.
#[IsStrongPassword(?IsStrongPasswordOptions $options)] Checks if the string is a strong password.
Array validation attributes
#[ArrayContains(array $values)] Checks if array contains all values from the given array of values.
#[ArrayNotContains(array $values)] Checks if array does not contain any of the given values.
#[ArrayNotEmpty] Checks if given array is not empty.
#[ArrayMinSize(int $min)] Checks if the array's length is greater than or equal to the specified number.
#[ArrayMaxSize(int $max)] Checks if the array's length is less or equal to the specified number.
#[ArrayUnique(?callable $identifier)] Checks if all array's values are unique. Comparison for objects is reference-based. Optional function can be speciefied which return value will be used for the comparsion.
Object validation attributes
#[IsInstance(mixed $value)] Checks if the property is an instance of the passed value.
Other attributes
#[Allow] Prevent stripping off the property when no other constraint is specified for it.

Error Handling

If the validate() method returns false, you can use the getErrors() method to retrieve an array of error messages.

if (!$isValid)
  $errors = $validator->getErrors();
  // handle errors

Further Reading

For more information on how to use this package, please see the full documentation. Thank you for using the AssegaiPHP.