
Symfony bundle to add the domain event dispatcher (singleton)

v1.0.2 2017-01-01 17:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 04:58:06 UTC


Brings the domain event dispatcher (singleton) to Symfony projects. For full usage instructions, please see the full documentation shipped with the library.


Install the bundle via Composer:

$ composer require ashleydawson/domain-event-dispatcher-bundle

Then, register the bundle with the Symfony kernel app/AppKernel.php:

$bundles = [
    // ...
    new AshleyDawson\DomainEventDispatcherBundle\AshleyDawsonDomainEventDispatcherBundle(),


Deferred events are configured to be dispatched from the Symfony kernel.terminate kernel event. To change this, add the following to your app/config/config.yml file:

    dispatch_deferred_events_from_kernel_event: kernel.terminate
    dispatch_deferred_events_from_kernel_event_priority: 0


Please refer to the full documentation for an in-depth look at how to use the domain event dispatcher. However, please find a simple example below:

Create an event:


namespace AppBundle\DomainEvent;

class MyDomainEvent
    private $myEntityId;
    public function __construct($myEntityId)
        $this->myEntityId = $myEntityId;
    public function getMyEntityId()
        return $this->myEntityId;

Create a listener:


namespace AppBundle\DomainEventListener;

use AppBundle\DomainEvent\MyDomainEvent;

class MyDomainEventListener
    public function __invoke(MyDomainEvent $event)
        // Do something with the event...

Add the listener to the event dispatcher via the Symfony Dependency Injection Container using the tag ashley_dawson.domain_event_listener:

# app/config/services.yml

        class: AppBundle\DomainEventListener\MyDomainEventListener
            - { name: ashley_dawson.domain_event_listener }

Dispatch an event from your model:


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use AshleyDawson\DomainEventDispatcher\DomainEventDispatcher;
use AppBundle\DomainEvent\MyDomainEvent;

class MyEntity
    private $id;
    public function mySpecialCommand()
            new MyDomainEvent($this->id)

Symfony Profiler

The map of events that have been deferred/dispatched during a request can be found in the Symfony Profiler. Simply click on the domain events icon and the profile screen containing the map will be displayed.

Toolbar Info:


Full Profiler Screen:

Profiler Screen