
Integration of scoring systems for Laravel

v1.2.0 2024-05-15 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 15:58:11 UTC


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Integration of scoring systems for Laravel. The package provides integration scoring systems:

  • RiskTools


Install the package via composer:

composer require arttiger/laravel-scoring


In order to edit the default configuration you may execute:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Arttiger\Scoring\ScoringServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After that, config/scoring.php will be created.


Set environment variable (.env)



Get scoring data

You can get data from the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::scoring('risk_tools', $attributes);
  • 'risk_tools' - scoring system;
  • $attributes - data (array) from the credit model according to the mapping of variables in config/scoring.php. This map establishes the correspondence between the attributes of your model and the required query fields in scoring system.
'model_data' => [
    // For "scoring" method
    'id'              => 'public_id',     // ID of loan
    'user_id'         => 'client_id',     // ID of client
    'social_number'   => 'inn',           // INN of client
    'phone'           => 'phone',         // Phone of client
    'email'           => 'email',         // Email of client
    'passport_number' => 'passport',      // Passport (example АА123456 or number ID-card)
    'passport_date'   => 'passport_date', // Passport issue date (example "2001-12-01")
    'first_name'      => 'firstName',     // First name
    'last_name'       => 'lastName',      // Last name
    'other_name'      => 'middleName',    // Middle name
    'birth_date'      => 'birth_date',    // Birth date (example "2001-12-01")
    'gender_id'       => 'gender_id',     // Gender (1 - male, 2 - female)
    'loan_amount'     => 'sum',           // Amount of credit
    'loan_days'       => 'period',        // Number days of credit
    'applied_at'      => 'created_at',    // Date and time created loan (example "2018-04-05T19:29:51+03:00")
    'ip'              => 'ip',            // IP of client
    'user_agent'      => 'user_agent',    // User-Agent of browser of client
    'ubki'            => 'ubki',          // XML-data from UBKI

    // For updating of statuses
    'status_id'       => 'status_code',   // Status code of credit (1 - NEW, 2 - REJECT, 3 - APPROVED, 4 - ISSUED, 5 - CLOSED, 6 - OVERDUE)
    'closed_at'       => 'closed_at',     // Date and time close loan (example "2018-04-25T10:05:00+03:00")
    'amount_to_pay'   => 'amount_debt',   // Total debt
    'total_paid'      => 'total_paid',    // The sum of all payments
    'overdue_days'    => 'overdue_days',  // The total number of days of delay of loan

$result - response from scoring system (array).

$result = [
    "group" => 4,
    "score" => 0.495,
    "amount_limit_max" => 1200,
    "amount_limit" => 1000.0,
    "filters" => [],
    "score_model" => [
        "version" => "v1_7"

Send status of credit

Send status of credit to the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::status('risk_tools', $attributes);
  • 'risk_tools' - scoring system;
  • $attributes - data (array) from the credit model according to the mapping of variables

Get the UBKI reports

Get the UBKI reports from the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::ubkiReport('risk_tools', ['public_id' => $public_id]);
  • $public_id - ID of credit
$result = [
    "reports": [
            "report_date" => "2018-12-25",
            "xml" => "<xml>"
            "report_date" => "2018-12-25",
            "xml" => "<xml>"

Get pre-scoring data

You can get data from the pre-scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::pre_scoring('risk_tools', ['social_number' => $social_number]);
  • $social_number - Social number (INN) of client


Add ScoringTrait-trait to the model with client data:

    use Arttiger\Scoring\Traits\ScoringTrait;

    class Loan extends Model
        use ScoringTrait;

Add a new method scoringAttributes() to the class to add the necessary attributes and fill them with data:

    use Arttiger\Scoring\Traits\ScoringTrait;

    class Loan extends Model
        use ScoringTrait;
        public function scoringAttributes()
            $client_data = json_decode($this->attributes['client_data']);
            $this->attributes['client_id']  = trim($client_data->id); 
            $this->attributes['inn']        = trim($client_data->code); 
            $this->attributes['lastName']   = trim($client_data->lastName); 

You can use other ways to create custom attributes that you specified in 'model_data' (config/scoring.php).

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.


Volodymyr Farylevych


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.