
Laravel CPA (Cost Per Action) network integration package

v1.0.5 2022-10-17 13:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 18:42:28 UTC


Laravel CPA Network Integration

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Laravel Package for CPA networks integration and target customer actions registration in your application. Currently supported: Admitad, Credy, DoAffiliate, Finline, LeadGid,, PapaKarlo, Sales Doubler, Storm Digital, Loangate, Appscorp, PAP, GoodAff, LetMeAds, GuruLeads, Nolimit.


Install the package via composer:

$ composer require arttiger/laravel-cpa

Next, you need to run migrations:

$ php artisan migrate

For Laravel 5.4 and below it necessary to register the service provider


In order to edit the default configuration you may execute:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Arttiger\Cpa\CpaServiceProvider"

After that, config/cpa.php will be created.


This package can be configured by environment variables out-of-box:

  • SALES_DOUBLER_ID - personal id for request to SalesDoubler
  • SALES_DOUBLER_TOKEN - token for request URI for SalesDoubler
  • STORM_DIGITAL_GOAL - (default: 1), goal in URL for StormDigital
  • STORM_DIGITAL_SECURE - secure in URL for StormDigital
  • PAPA_KARLO_TYPE - ('offer' or 'goal') postback type for PapaKarlo
  • PAPA_KARLO_OFFER - (default: 35) personal offer id for PapaKarlo
  • PAPA_KARLO_GOAL - (default: 75) personal goal id for PapaKarlo
  • PDL_PROFIT_OFFER - ID of the advertiser in the PDL-Profit system
  • DO_AFFILIATE_PATH - path for DoAffiliate API (example: pozichka-ua in
  • LEADS_SU_TOKEN - token for LeadsSu
  • ADMITAD_POSTBACK_KEY - postback request authentication key, constant string 32 char
  • ADMITAD_CAMPAIGN_CODE - AdmitAd defined campaign code, constant string 10 char
  • ADMITAD_ACTION_CODE - target action code, get it from AdmitAd
  • CREDY_OFFER - offer code, get it from Credy
  • LET_ME_ADS_PATH - path for LetMeAds API (example: api/v1.1/y7r/dcfgs1tg:awvv47ghn1jv1f$am/get/postback.json)
  • GURU_LEADS_PATH - path for GuruLeads API (example: postback)
  • CLICK2MONEY_PATH - path for Click2Money API (example: cpaCallback)
  • NOLIMIT_PATH - path for Nolimit API (example: postback)

If one of key for some CPA network not set postback requests for this network will not be done.

Register Middleware

You may register the package middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file:

<?php namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel {
    * The application's route middleware.
    * @var array
    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        /**** OTHER MIDDLEWARE ****/
        'lead.check' => \Arttiger\Cpa\Middleware\LeadCheckMiddleware::class

You may add middleware to your group like this:

        'middleware' => [ 'lead.check' ]
    function(){ //...


Create Lead when user registered

// or

When goal is achieved register conversion

CpaConversion::register($user, $transactionId, 'sale');

Events (e.g. 'sale') must be specified in config. You can add additional params for specific events. See config/cpa.php samples

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.


Volodymyr Farylevych


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.