
A robust utility for managing localized text and content across different WordPress plugins, offering centralized registration, storage, and retrieval of translations.

dev-main 2024-10-05 17:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 22:22:05 UTC


The WordPress Localization Manager Library simplifies the process of managing localizations within a WordPress environment. It provides utility functions that leverage the LocalizationManager class to handle the registration and retrieval of localized text for various WordPress plugins.


  • Easy registration of localizations for plugins
  • Integration with WordPress translation functions
  • Retrieval of localized text with support for plural forms and lowercase options
  • Addition of new localized text to existing plugins
  • Checking for the existence of localized text
  • Error handling with optional callback function
  • Escaping functions for secure output


  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • WordPress 6.6.2 or higher


Install the library using Composer:

composer require arraypress/localization-manager


Registering Plugin Localizations

When registering localizations, use WordPress translation functions to ensure the text is translatable:

// Register localizations for this plugin
register_localized_text( __FILE__, [
    'hello_world' => [
        'singular' => __( 'Hello, World!', 'localization-demo' ),
        'plural'   => __( 'Hello, Worlds!', 'localization-demo' )
    'goodbye'     => __( 'Goodbye!', 'localization-demo' )
] );

Getting Localized Text

$plugin_file = __FILE__; // Your plugin's main file
$text = get_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file );
$plural_text = get_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file, true );
$lowercase_text = get_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file, false, true );

Adding New Localized Text

When adding new text, also use WordPress translation functions:

$plugin_file = __FILE__; // Your plugin's main file
add_localized_text( 'welcome', __( 'Welcome to our plugin!', 'textdomain' ), $plugin_file );

Checking if Localized Text Exists

if ( localized_text_exists( 'welcome', __FILE__ ) ) {
    // Text exists, do something

Echoing Localized Text

echo_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file );

Escaping Localized Text

$escaped_text = esc_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file );
echo_esc_localized_text( 'hello_world', $plugin_file );

Error Handling

All functions accept an optional error callback function. If provided, this function will be called with any exceptions that occur during execution.

$error_callback = function( $exception ) {
    // Handle or log the exception

register_localized_text( $plugin_file, $localizations, $error_callback );

Full Example

Here's a complete example demonstrating the usage of the Localization Manager within a WordPress plugin:

 * Plugin Name: Localization Demo Plugin
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Demonstrates the functionality of the LocalizationManager
 * Version: 1.0.0
 * Author: Your Name
 * Author URI:
 * License: GPL2+
 * License URI:
 * Text Domain: localization-demo
 * Domain Path: /languages

// Initialize the plugin
function localization_demo_init() {

	// Register localizations for this plugin
	register_localized_text( __FILE__, [
		'hello_world' => [
			'singular' => __( 'Hello, World!', 'localization-demo' ),
			'plural'   => __( 'Hello, Worlds!', 'localization-demo' )
		'goodbye'     => __( 'Goodbye!', 'localization-demo' )
	] );

	// Add additional text
	add_localized_text( 'welcome', __( 'Welcome to our plugin!', 'localization-demo' ), __FILE__ );

	// Demonstrate usage of the localization functions
	add_action( 'admin_notices', 'localization_demo_admin_notices' );

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'localization_demo_init' );

// Display admin notices to showcase the localization functionality
function localization_demo_admin_notices() {
    <div class="notice notice-info">
        <p><?php echo_esc_localized_text( 'hello_world', __FILE__ ); ?></p>
        <p><?php echo_esc_localized_text( 'hello_world', __FILE__, true ); ?></p>
        <p><?php echo_esc_localized_text( 'goodbye', __FILE__ ); ?></p>
        <p><?php echo_esc_localized_text( 'welcome', __FILE__ ); ?></p>
			if ( localized_text_exists( 'nonexistent', __FILE__ ) ) {
				echo 'This should not appear.';
			} else {
				echo 'The "nonexistent" key does not exist.';


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GPL2+ License.