
A PHP library for integrating with the IPQualityScore API in WordPress, providing proxy, VPN & email validation, phone verification, dark web monitoring, URL scanning, and fraud prevention. Features comprehensive response handling and WordPress transient caching.

dev-main 2025-01-06 17:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 18:06:25 UTC


A WordPress library for IPQualityScore API integration providing proxy & VPN detection, email validation, phone verification, dark web monitoring, URL scanning, and fraud prevention with WordPress transient caching.


Install via Composer:

composer require arraypress/ipqualityscore


  • PHP 7.4 or later
  • WordPress 6.2.2 or later
  • IPQualityScore API key

Basic Usage

use ArrayPress\IPQualityScore\Client;

// Initialize with your API key
$client = new Client( 'your-api-key-here' );

// Check IP address
$response = $client->check_ip( '' );

// Validate email
$response = $client->validate_email( '' );

// Validate phone number
$response = $client->validate_phone( '18007132618', [ 'country' => 'US' ] );

// Check for leaked data
$response = $client->check_leaked_data( '', 'email' );

// Scan URL
$response = $client->scan_url( '' );

Available Methods

Client Methods

// Initialize client with options
$client = new Client(
    'your-api-key-here',   // API key
    true,                  // Enable caching (optional, default: true)
    3600                   // Cache duration in seconds (optional, default: 3600)

// Set common options
$client->set_strictness( 1 );                    // Set strictness level (0-3)
$client->set_allow_public_access_points( true ); // Allow public access points
$client->set_lighter_penalties( true );          // Use lighter penalties

// IP Reputation Check
$ip_check = $client->check_ip( '' );

// Email Validation
$email_check = $client->validate_email( '' );

// Phone Validation
$phone_check = $client->validate_phone( '18007132618', [ 'country' => 'US' ] );

// Dark Web Leak Check
$leak_check = $client->check_leaked_data( '', 'email' );

// URL Scanning
$url_scan = $client->scan_url( '' );

// Transaction Validation
$transaction = $client->validate_transaction( [
    'ip_address' => '',
    // Additional transaction data
] );

// Allow & Block Lists
$client->create_allowlist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip', 'Trusted IP') ;
$entries = $client->get_allowlist_entries();
$client->delete_allowlist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );

$client->create_blocklist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip', 'Malicious IP' );
$entries = $client->get_blocklist_entries();
$client->delete_blocklist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );

// Request History
$requests = $client->get_request_list ('proxy', [
    'start_date' => '2024-01-01',
    'stop_date' => '2024-01-31'
] );

// Credit Usage
$credits = $client->get_credit_usage();

// Cache Management
$client->clear_cache();                 // Clear all cached data
$client->clear_cache( 'ip_1.1.1.1' );    // Clear specific cache

IP Response Methods

// Basic checks
$is_proxy = $response->is_proxy();
$is_vpn = $response->is_vpn();
$is_tor = $response->is_tor();
$is_crawler = $response->is_crawler();

// Scores and risk assessment
$fraud_score = $response->get_fraud_score();
$abuse_velocity = $response->get_abuse_velocity();
$recent_abuse = $response->has_recent_abuse();

// Connection info
$connection_type = $response->get_connection_type();
$is_mobile = $response->is_mobile();
$is_bot = $response->is_bot();

// Location data
$country = $response->get_country_code();
$region = $response->get_region();
$city = $response->get_city();
$timezone = $response->get_timezone();

// Network info
$organization = $response->get_organization();
$asn = $response->get_asn();
$host = $response->get_host();

Email Response Methods

$is_valid = $response->is_valid();
$is_disposable = $response->is_disposable();
$smtp_score = $response->get_smtp_score();
$overall_score = $response->get_overall_score();
$is_deliverable = $response->get_deliverability();
$first_name = $response->get_first_name();
$domain_age = $response->get_domain_age();
$fraud_score = $response->get_fraud_score();
$suggested_domain = $response->get_suggested_domain();
$leaked = $response->is_leaked();

Phone Response Methods

$is_valid = $response->is_valid();
$fraud_score = $response->get_fraud_score();
$formatted = $response->get_formatted();
$carrier = $response->get_carrier();
$line_type = $response->get_line_type();
$is_active = $response->is_active();
$is_risky = $response->is_risky();
$leaked = $response->is_leaked();

URL Response Methods

$is_unsafe = $response->is_unsafe();
$domain_age = $response->get_domain_age();
$risk_score = $response->get_risk_score();
$is_phishing = $response->is_phishing();
$is_malware = $response->is_malware();
$category = $response->get_category();
$dns_valid = $response->is_dns_valid();
$risk_factors = $response->get_risk_factors();

Response Examples

IP Check Response

    "success" => true,
    "message" => "Success",
    "fraud_score" => 25,
    "country_code" => "US",
    "region" => "California",
    "city" => "Los Angeles",
    "ISP" => "Cloudflare, Inc.",
    "ASN" => 13335,
    "organization" => "Cloudflare, Inc.",
    "is_crawler" => false,
    "timezone" => "America/Los_Angeles",
    "mobile" => false,
    "host" => "",
    "proxy" => true,
    "vpn" => true,
    "tor" => false,
    "recent_abuse" => false,
    "bot_status" => false

Email Response

    "success" => true,
    "valid" => true,
    "disposable" => false,
    "smtp_score" => 3,
    "overall_score" => 4,
    "first_name" => "John",
    "deliverability" => "high",
    "dns_valid" => true,
    "fraud_score" => 25,
    "leaked" => false,
    "suggested_domain" => "",
    "domain_velocity" => "high",
    "domain_trust" => "trusted",
    "request_id" => "..."

Error Handling

The library uses WordPress's WP_Error for error handling:

$response = $client->check_ip( 'invalid-ip' );

if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
    echo $response->get_error_message();
    // Output: "Invalid IP address: invalid-ip"

Common error cases:

  • Invalid input formats (IP, email, phone, URL)
  • Invalid API key
  • API request failures
  • Insufficient credits
  • Invalid responses

Additional Features

Allow & Block Lists

Manage trusted and blocked entities:

// Allowlist
$client->create_allowlist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );
$client->delete_allowlist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );

// Blocklist
$client->create_blocklist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );
$client->delete_blocklist_entry( '', 'proxy', 'ip' );

Credit Usage Monitoring

Track API usage:

$credits = $client->get_credit_usage();
echo "Available credits: " . $credits->get_credits();
echo "Usage this period: " . $credits->get_usage();


Contributions to this library are highly appreciated. Raise issues on GitHub or submit pull requests for bug fixes or new features. Share feedback and suggestions for improvements.

License: GPLv2 or later

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.