
A PHP library for integrating with the Google Address Validation API in WordPress, providing comprehensive address validation, standardization, and verification. Features WordPress transient caching and WP_Error support.

dev-main 2025-01-06 17:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 18:24:58 UTC


A PHP library for integrating with the Google Address Validation API in WordPress. This library provides robust address validation, standardization, and verification capabilities with support for WordPress transient caching and WP_Error handling.


  • Address Validation: Verify and standardize addresses globally
  • 📊 Validation Scoring: Get numerical scores (0-100) and ratings for address quality
  • 🏠 Detailed Components: Access all address components and metadata
  • 📫 USPS Support: Enhanced validation for US addresses with USPS data
  • 🌍 International: Support for addresses worldwide with region code handling
  • 🔄 Response Parsing: Clean response object for easy data access
  • WordPress Integration: Native transient caching and WP_Error support
  • 🛡️ Type Safety: Full type hinting and strict types
  • 🏢 Business Detection: Identify business locations and PO boxes
  • 📍 Geocoding: Get coordinates for validated addresses
  • 🔍 Validation Details: Access validation status and issues


  • PHP 7.4 or later
  • WordPress 5.0 or later
  • Google Address Validation API key


Install via Composer:

composer require arraypress/google-address-validation

Basic Usage

use ArrayPress\Google\AddressValidation\Client;

// Initialize client with your API key
$client = new Client( 'your-google-api-key' );

// Validate an address
$result = $client->validate( '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    // Get validation score and rating
    $score = $result->get_score();
    $rating = $result->get_rating();
    echo "Validation Score: {$score}/100 ({$rating})\n";
    // Check if address is verified
    if ( $result->is_verified() ) {
        // Get standardized address
        $address = $result->get_standardized_address();
        echo "Formatted Address: {$address['formatted_address']}\n";
        // Get coordinates
        if ( $geocode = $result->get_geocode() ) {
            echo "Latitude: {$geocode['latitude']}\n";
            echo "Longitude: {$geocode['longitude']}\n";

Validation Scoring

The library provides a comprehensive scoring system to assess address quality:

$result = $client->validate( '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    // Get numerical score (0-100)
    $score = $result->get_score();
    // Get human-readable rating
    $rating = $result->get_rating(); // Returns: Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor
    // Example score interpretation
    switch (true) {
        case $score >= 90:
            echo "Excellent - Highly reliable address\n";
        case $score >= 75:
            echo "Good - Reliable address with minor issues\n";
        case $score >= 50:
            echo "Fair - Address may need verification\n";
            echo "Poor - Address needs significant verification\n";

Score Components

The validation score considers multiple factors:

  • Address completeness (30 points)
  • Confirmed components (20 points)
  • No inferred components (15 points)
  • No replaced components (10 points)
  • Geocoding data (10 points)
  • Postal code presence (5 points)
  • Precise location (5 points)
  • USPS validation (5 bonus points for US addresses)

Extended Examples

USPS Validation for US Addresses

// Enable USPS validation for US addresses
$result = $client->validate(
    '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500',
    true // Enable USPS validation

if  ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    $usps_data = $result->get_usps_data();
    // Access USPS-specific data

Address Type Detection

$result = $client->validate( '123 Business Street, Anytown, USA' );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    if ( $result->is_residential() ) {
        echo "This is a residential address\n";
    } elseif ( $result->is_po_box() ) {
        echo "This is a PO Box\n";
    } else {
        echo "This is likely a commercial address\n";

Working with Address Components

$result = $client->validate( '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    $components = $result->get_standardized_address();
    echo "Street: {$components['street_number']} {$components['street_name']}\n";
    echo "City: {$components['locality']}\n";
    echo "State: {$components['administrative_area']}\n";
    echo "ZIP: {$components['postal_code']}\n";
    echo "Country: {$components['country']}\n";

Handling Responses with Caching

// Initialize with custom cache duration (1 hour = 3600 seconds)
$client = new Client( 'your-api-key', true, 3600 );

// Results will be cached
$result = $client->validate( '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );

// Clear specific cache
$client->clear_cache( 'validate_1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );

// Clear all validation caches

API Methods

Client Methods

  • validate( $address, $region_code = '', $enable_usps = false, $previous_address = false): Validate an address
  • clear_cache( $identifier = null): Clear cached responses

Response Methods

Validation Methods

  • get_score(): Get numerical validation score (0-100)
  • get_rating(): Get human-readable validation rating
  • check_validity(): Get detailed validation analysis
  • is_fully_validated(): Check if address is completely validated
  • is_high_confidence(): Check if address has high confidence validation
  • is_minimal_valid(): Check if address meets minimal validation requirements
  • is_standardized(): Check if address is in standard format
  • is_exact_match(): Check if address is an exact match without inferences
  • is_verification_needed(): Check if address needs additional verification
  • is_deliverable(): Check if address is deliverable (USPS data for US addresses)
  • is_shippable(): Check if address is valid for shipping
  • is_valid_landmark(): Check if address is a valid landmark/POI
  • is_us_address(): Check if address is in the United States
  • has_minimal_components(): Check if address has required components

Address Properties

  • is_business(): Check if address is a business location
  • is_residential(): Check if address is residential
  • is_po_box(): Check if address is a PO Box
  • is_active(): Check if address is active (USPS)
  • is_vacant(): Check if address is vacant (USPS)
  • is_commercial_mail_receiver(): Check if address is a CMRA (USPS)

Basic Example

use ArrayPress\Google\AddressValidation\Client;

// Initialize client
$client = new Client( 'your-google-api-key' );

// Validate an address
$result = $client->validate( '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    // Get detailed validation status
    $validity = $result->check_validity();
    if ( $validity['is_valid'] ) {
        echo "Confidence Level: {$validity['confidence_level']}\n";
        // Check specific validation aspects
        if ( $result->is_high_confidence() ) {
            echo "High confidence validation\n";
        if ( $result->is_shippable() ) {
            echo "Valid shipping address\n";
    } else {
        echo "Validation Issues:\n";
        foreach ( $validity['issues'] as $issue ) {
            echo "- $issue\n";

Use Cases

  • Address Verification: Validate customer addresses with confidence scores
  • Data Standardization: Standardize address data
  • USPS Integration: Enhanced US address validation
  • Fraud Prevention: Verify address authenticity
  • International Support: Validate global addresses
  • Business Verification: Identify business locations
  • Data Quality: Assess and maintain address data quality with numerical metrics
  • Location Services: Support location-based features


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GPL-2.0-or-later License.
