
Use PHP Docblock (annotations) to register WordPress hooks, filters and shortcodes.

0.0.1 2022-06-21 09:23 UTC


PHPUnit Latest Unstable Version Total Downloads License

Register WordPress hooks, filters and shortcodes.

  • With PHP Docblock (annotations)
  • Or with PHP 8.0 Attributes


  • PHP 7.1 or greater (tested on PHP 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1)


Via Composer

composer require arnaud-ritti/wp-hook


To automatically wire up your class, simply call the HookRegistry::bootstrap method, like so:


namespace My\CoolNamespace;

use Ari\WpHook\HookRegistry;
use Ari\WpHook\Models\Action;

class MyClass
    public function __construct(HookRegistry $hookRegistry) 
     * @Action(tag="init")    
    #[Action(tag: "init")]
    public function doSomething()
        // do something

And you're done!

The following annotations can be used in PHP 7:

 * @Action(tag="the hook name", priority=1, accepted_args=1)
 * @Filter(tag="the filter name", priority=1, accepted_args=1)
 * @Shortcode(tag="the shortcode code")

For PHP 8, please use attributes:

#[Action(tag: "the hook name", priority: 1, accepted_args: 1)]
#[Filter(tag: "the filter name", priority: 1, accepted_args: 1)]
#[Shortcode(tag: "the shortcode code", priority: 1, accepted_args: 1)]


composer test


WP Hook is released under the MIT License.