
An abstraction layer to ease the use of the Wordpress settings API.

0.3.1 2022-10-05 21:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 02:47:39 UTC


The Adapter is a declarative facade for the Wordpress Settings API. It is designed to handle the complexities behind the scenes and get out of your way so you can focus on what's really important.

Disregard the tangled, putrid spaghetti and optionalize your theme or plugin with ease!

Usage Example

use \ArdentIntent\WpSettingsAdapter\Adapter;

global $pluginOptions;
($pluginOptions = Adapter::createPage(
  'Theme Options',
  'Not spaghetti.',

  ($general = $pluginOptions->createSection('general'))->withSettings([

      'An example text setting description.'




  ($special = $pluginOptions->createSection('special'))->withSettings([

      'A short description of this setting.'

      'An example select setting.'
      'apple' => 'Apple',
      'pear' => 'Pear',
      'pineapple' => 'Pineapple'




  ($subPageOne = $pluginOptions->createSubPage(
    'Subpage One',
    'An example sub-page.',

    ($general = $subPageOne->createSection('general'))->withSettings([




    ($social = $subPageOne->createSection('social'))->withSettings([

      $general->createSetting('social-1', 'Social link 1.')->ofType()->text(),

      $general->createSetting('social-2', 'Social link 2.')->ofType()->text(),

        'on' => 'On',
        'off' => 'Off'



  ($subPageTwo = $pluginOptions->createSubPage(
    'Subpage Two',
    'An example sub-page.',

    ($whatever = $subPageTwo->createSection('whatever'))->withSettings([

      $whatever->createSetting('what', 'Life is suffering.')->ofType()->toggle(),

      $whatever->createSetting('ever', 'No one understands me.')->ofType()->toggle()




Development Mode

You may enable development mode by invoking the following method. Adapter::enableDevMode();

Enabling dev mode will result in the options being rendered with paste-able snippets that get the value of their respective option.