
Create PDF certificates

0.1.0 2021-04-30 11:12 UTC


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Helper package to provide easy PDF certificates generation. It uses FPDI/FPDF under the hood and is configured to provide support for Polish language. It works as a Laravel 5/6 package but there is not much of Laravel specific functionality added, so it can be used in other projects as well.


Via Composer

$ composer require apsg/certificate


use Apsg\Certificate\Certificate;
use Apsg\Certificate\Fields\Field;
use Apsg\Certificate\Formats\A4LandscapeFormat;

class CertificateController extends Controller
     * This will output the pdf to browser to download
    public function test()
        $certificate = new Certificate(null, new A4LandscapeFormat());

        return $certificate
            ->addField(new Field('test zażółć gęślą', 10, 100, 20))

Note: the background would be stretched to fill the page, so use proper resolution and orientation for best results.


$ composer test