app-verk / php-matcher
AppVerk extension of PHP Matcher, it enables you to match values with patterns
- php: ^8.3
- ext-filter: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-simplexml: *
- aeon-php/calendar: ^0.14.0 || ^0.15.0 || ^0.16.0 || ^0.17.0 || ^0.18.0 || ^1.0
- coduo/php-to-string: ^3
- doctrine/lexer: 2.1.1
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11.0.0
Requires (Dev)
- openlss/lib-array2xml: ^1.0
- symfony/expression-language: ^2.3|^3.0|^4.0|^5.0
- openlss/lib-array2xml: In order ot use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\Matcher\XmlMatcher
- symfony/expression-language: In order to use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\Matcher\ExpressionMatcher
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-13 11:19:12 UTC
Library created for testing all kinds of JSON/XML/TXT/Scalar values against patterns.
PHPMatcher::match($value = '{"foo": "bar"}', $pattern = '{"foo": "@string@"}') : bool; PHPMatcher::backtrace() : Backtrace; PHPMatcher::error() : ?string;
It was built to simplify API's functional testing.
Require new dev dependency using composer:
composer require --dev "app-verk/php-matcher"
Basic usage
Direct PHPMatcher usage
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $match = $matcher->match("lorem ipsum dolor", "@string@"); if (!$match) { echo "Error: " . $matcher->error(); echo "Backtrace: \n"; echo (string) $matcher->backtrace(); }
PHPUnit extending PHPMatcherTestCase
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPUnit\PHPMatcherTestCase; class MatcherTest extends PHPMatcherTestCase { public function test_matcher_that_value_matches_pattern() { $this->assertMatchesPattern('{"name": "@string@"}', '{"name": "Norbert"}'); } }
PHPUnit using PHPMatcherAssertions trait
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPUnit\PHPMatcherAssertions; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class MatcherTest extends TestCase { use PHPMatcherAssertions; public function test_matcher_that_value_matches_pattern() { $this->assertMatchesPattern('{"name": "@string@"}', '{"name": "Norbert"}'); } }
Available patterns
- match next array element using pattern from previous element@array_previous_repeat@
- match all remaining array elements using pattern from previous element@...@
- unbounded array, once used matcher will skip any further array elements@null@
- optional, requiressymfony/expression-language: ^2.3|^3.0|^4.0|^5.0
to be present@uuid@
- string OR integer@enum@
- used for PHP backend enums@tax_number@
- matches tax identification number(only PL format)@regon@
- matches registration number(only PL format)
Available pattern expanders
startsWith($stringBeginning, $ignoreCase = false)
endsWith($stringEnding, $ignoreCase = false)
contains($string, $ignoreCase = false)
notContains($string, $ignoreCase = false)
- example"@datetime@.isInDateFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s')
before(string $date)
- example"@string@.isDateTime().before(\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\")"
after(string $date)
- example"@string@.isDateTime().after(\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\")"
- example"@array@.inArray(\"ROLE_USER\")"
- example"@json@.hasProperty(\"property_name\")"
- example"@string@.oneOf(contains('foo'), contains('bar'), contains('baz'))"
- example"@string@.matchRegex('/^lorem.+/')"
- work's only withArrayMatcher
- work's only withArrayMatcher
- example"@array@.count(5)"
repeat($pattern, $isStrict = true)
- example'@array@.repeat({"name": "foe"})'
- example{"image":"@json@.match({\"url\":\"@string@.isUrl()\"})"}
- work's only withEnumMatcher
, as argument it accepts class name with namespace e.g.@enum@.isOneOf('App\Domain\OrderStatus::class')
Example usage
Scalar matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(1, 1); $matcher->match('string', 'string');
String matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('Norbert', '@string@'); $matcher->match("lorem ipsum dolor", "@string@.startsWith('lorem').contains('ipsum').endsWith('dolor')");
Time matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('00:00:00', '@time@'); $matcher->match('00:01:00.000000', '@time@'); $matcher->match('00:01:00', '@time@.after("00:00:00")'); $matcher->match('00:00:00', '@time@.before("01:00:00")');
Date matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@date@'); $matcher->match('2020-01-11', '@date@'); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@date@.before("2016-08-19")'); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@date@.before("today").after("+ 100year")');
DateTime matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@datetime@'); $matcher->match('2020-01-11 00:00:00', '@datetime@'); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@datetime@.before("2016-08-19")'); $matcher->match('2014-08-19', '@datetime@.before("today").after("+ 100year")');
TimeZone matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('Europe/Warsaw', '@timezone@'); $matcher->match('Europe/Warsaw', '@tz@'); $matcher->match('GMT', '@tz@'); $matcher->match('01:00', '@tz@'); $matcher->match('01:00', '@tz@.isTzOffset()'); $matcher->match('GMT', '@tz@.isTzAbbreviation()'); $matcher->match('Europe/Warsaw', '@tz@.isTzIdentifier()');
Integer matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(100, '@integer@'); $matcher->match(100, '@integer@.lowerThan(200).greaterThan(10)');
Number matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(100, '@number@'); $matcher->match('200', '@number@'); $matcher->match(1.25, '@number@'); $matcher->match('1.25', '@number@'); $matcher->match(0b10100111001, '@number@');
Double matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(10.1, "@double@"); $matcher->match(10.1, "@double@.lowerThan(50.12).greaterThan(10)");
Boolean matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(true, "@boolean@"); $matcher->match(false, "@boolean@");
Wildcard matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match("@integer@", "@*@"); $matcher->match("foobar", "@*@"); $matcher->match(true, "@*@"); $matcher->match(6.66, "@*@"); $matcher->match(array("bar"), "@wildcard@"); $matcher->match(new \stdClass, "@wildcard@");
Expression matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(new \DateTime('2014-04-01'), "expr(value.format('Y-m-d') == '2014-04-01'"); $matcher->match("Norbert", "expr(value === 'Norbert')");
UUID matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('9f4db639-0e87-4367-9beb-d64e3f42ae18', '@uuid@');
ULID matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match('01BX5ZZKBKACTAV9WEVGEMMVS0', '@ulid@');
Array matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match( array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => 1, 'firstName' => 'Norbert', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER'), 'position' => 'Developer', ), array( 'id' => 2, 'firstName' => 'Michał', 'lastName' => 'Dąbrowski', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER') ), array( 'id' => 3, 'firstName' => 'Johnny', 'lastName' => 'DąbrowsBravoki', 'roles' => array('ROLE_HANDSOME_GUY') ) ), true, 6.66 ), array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => '@integer@.greaterThan(0)', 'firstName' => '@string@', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => '@array@', 'position' => '@string@.optional()' ), array( 'id' => '@integer@', 'firstName' => '@string@', 'lastName' => 'Dąbrowski', 'roles' => '@array@' ), '@...@' ), '@boolean@', '@double@' ) );
Array Previous
@array_previous@ can also be used when matching JSON's and XML's
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match( array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => 1, 'firstName' => 'Norbert', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER'), 'position' => 'Developer', ), array( 'id' => 2, 'firstName' => 'Michał', 'lastName' => 'Dąbrowski', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER') ), array( 'id' => 3, 'firstName' => 'Johnny', 'lastName' => 'DąbrowsBravoki', 'roles' => array('ROLE_HANDSOME_GUY') ) ), true, 6.66 ), array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => '@integer@.greaterThan(0)', 'firstName' => '@string@', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => '@array@', 'position' => '@string@.optional()' ), '@array_previous@', '@array_previous@' ), '@boolean@', '@double@' ) );
Array Previous Repeat
@array_previous_repeat@ can also be used when matching JSON's and XML's
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match( array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => 1, 'firstName' => 'Norbert', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER'), 'position' => 'Developer', ), array( 'id' => 2, 'firstName' => 'Michał', 'lastName' => 'Dąbrowski', 'roles' => array('ROLE_USER') ), array( 'id' => 3, 'firstName' => 'Johnny', 'lastName' => 'DąbrowsBravoki', 'roles' => array('ROLE_HANDSOME_GUY') ) ), true, 6.66 ), array( 'users' => array( array( 'id' => '@integer@.greaterThan(0)', 'firstName' => '@string@', 'lastName' => 'Orzechowicz', 'roles' => '@array@', 'position' => '@string@.optional()' ), '@array_previous_repeat@' ), '@boolean@', '@double@' ) );
Json matching
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match( '{ "users":[ { "firstName": "Norbert", "lastName": "Orzechowicz", "created": "2014-01-01", "roles":["ROLE_USER", "ROLE_DEVELOPER"] } ] }', '{ "users":[ { "firstName": "@string@", "lastName": "@string@", "created": "@string@.isDateTime()", "roles": "@array@", "position": "@string@.optional()" } ] }' );
Json matching with unbounded arrays and objects
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match( '{ "users":[ { "firstName": "Norbert", "lastName": "Orzechowicz", "created": "2014-01-01", "roles":["ROLE_USER", "ROLE_DEVELOPER"], "attributes": { "isAdmin": false, "dateOfBirth": null, "hasEmailVerified": true }, "avatar": { "url": "" } }, { "firstName": "Michał", "lastName": "Dąbrowski", "created": "2014-01-01", "roles":["ROLE_USER", "ROLE_DEVELOPER", "ROLE_ADMIN"], "attributes": { "isAdmin": true, "dateOfBirth": null, "hasEmailVerified": true }, "avatar": null } ] }', '{ "users":[ { "firstName": "@string@", "lastName": "@string@", "created": "@string@.isDateTime()", "roles": [ "ROLE_USER", "@...@" ], "attributes": { "isAdmin": @boolean@, "@*@": "@*@" }, "avatar": "@json@.match({\"url\":\"@string@.isUrl()\"})" } , @...@ ] }' );
Xml matching
Optional - requires openlss/lib-array2xml: ^1.0
to be present.
<?php use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher; $matcher = new PHPMatcher(); $matcher->match(<<<XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" soap:encodingStyle=""> <soap:Body xmlns:m=""> <m:GetStockPrice> <m:StockName>IBM</m:StockName> <m:StockValue>Any Value</m:StockValue> </m:GetStockPrice> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> XML , <<<XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="@string@" soap:encodingStyle="@string@"> <soap:Body xmlns:m="@string@"> <m:GetStockPrice> <m:StockName>@string@</m:StockName> <m:StockValue>@string@</m:StockValue> <m:StockQty>@integer@.optional()</m:StockQty> </m:GetStockPrice> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> XML );
Example scenario for api in behat using mongo.
@profile, @user Feature: Listing user toys As a user I want to list my toys Background: Given I send and accept JSON Scenario: Listing toys Given the following users exist: | firstName | lastName | | Chuck | Norris | And the following toys user "Chuck Norris" exist: | name | | Barbie | | GI Joe | | Optimus Prime | When I set valid authorization code oauth header for user "Chuck Norris" And I send a GET request on "/api/toys" Then the response status code should be 200 And the JSON response should match: """ [ { "id": "@string@", "name": "Barbie", "_links: "@*@" }, { "id": "@string@", "name": "GI Joe", "_links": "@*@" }, { "id": "@string@", "name": "Optimus Prime", "_links": "@*@" } ] """
PHPUnit integration
The assertMatchesPattern()
is a handy assertion that matches values in PHPUnit tests.
To use it either include the AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPUnit\PHPMatcherAssertions
or extend the AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPUnit\PHPMatcherTestCase
namespace AppVerk\PHPMatcher\Tests\PHPUnit; use AppVerk\PHPMatcher\PHPUnit\PHPMatcherAssertions; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class PHPMatcherAssertionsTest extends TestCase { use PHPMatcherAssertions; public function test_it_asserts_if_a_value_matches_the_pattern() { $this->assertMatchesPattern('@string@', 'foo'); } }
The matchesPattern()
method can be used in PHPUnit stubs or mocks:
$mock = $this->createMock(Foo::class); $mock->method('bar') ->with($this->matchesPattern('@string@')) ->willReturn('foo');
This library is distributed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file.