
This is a framwork for large web projects. ApiLaravue uses Laravel 5.4 as backend integrated with laravel passport and laravel cors, Vuejs as frontend and the two communicate via API calls. It also include redis already installed and configured in the backend and frontend, a node server already crea

v1.0 2017-08-09 22:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-21 01:27:55 UTC


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This is a framwork for large web projects. ApiLaravue uses Laravel 5.4 as backend integrated with laravel passport and laravel cors, Vuejs as frontend and the two communicate via API calls. It also include redis already installed and configured in the backend and frontend, a node server already created and configure for realtime communication and some vue packages are also install in the frontend such as vue-router, vue-resource, vue-socket.io, and sweetalert.

Learning ApiLaravue

Before starting with ApiLaravue 1.0, make sure you have some knowledge on:

If you are up to the above standard, you can learn from


  1. Run $ composer create-project apilaravue/apilaravue.

  2. Download and Intall nodejs for your OS from https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  3. Install redis


       $ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.1.tar.gz
       $ tar xzf redis-4.0.1.tar.gz
       $ cd redis-4.0.1
       $ make


      if you are not having homebrew, intall it from https://brew.sh/ 
      Run $ brew install redis


       One click Redis install as a Windows service:
       Download and run the top .exe (ignore the "download as zip" button)
       Edit: For the latest versions of Redis for Windows look at MSOpenTech/redis. See Todd Menier's answer for more information.
  4. start redis server Run redis/server and do not close the terminal window. Linux: src/redis-server

  5. Open a new terminal window and CD to apilaravue/server.

  6. Run npm install. This installs all dependencies.

  7. Run node server.js and do not close the terminal window. This will start the node server

  8. Open a new terminal window and CD to apilaravue/backend.

  9. Run composer install. This installs all of Laravel's dependencies.

  10. Run mv .env.example .env. This enables your env files to set your app into local mode.

  11. Run php artisan key:generate. This generates a secure cipher key for encrypting your data.

  12. Create a database named __laravelvue

  13. Run php artisan migrate --seed

  14. Run php artisan passport:install

  15. Copy the client secret of Client ID: 2 displayed in the terminal

  16. Edit the file frontend/src/packages/config/backendConnection.js and change client_secret to what you have copied and save the file

  17. Run php artisan serve. This serves your application to the browser. You can also use Homestead, LAMP, WAMP, etc.

  18. Open a new terminal window and CD to apilaravue/frontend.

  19. Run npm install. This installs all of Vue's dependencies.

  20. Run npm run dev. This will open the frontend landing view on your default browser. that is http://localhost:8080

  21. Create something great!


If you are not familiar with vuejs, you should check their documentation at https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/


If you are not familiar with Laravel, you should check their documentation at https://laravel.com/docs/5.4


If you are not familiar with Nodejs, you should check their documentation at https://nodejs.org/api/http.html

you can also check the example at https://nodejs.org/api/synopsis.html

Or quick start with W3schools at https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_http.asp


Thank you for considering contributing to the ApiLaraVue framework.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within ApiLaraVue, please send an e-mail to Kamga Simo Junior at kamgasimojunior@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The ApiLaraVue framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.