
v2.2.0 2023-07-18 09:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 13:00:42 UTC


LawnMower is a light-weight library for GET,POST and FILES validation, based on Laravel and Zend validators. It's main components are the Request,Validator,Rule and FileUpload objects.


$ composer require apdev/lawn-mower

Basic Usage


use LawnMower\Request;

$request = new Request();

if($request->hasData()){ //or hasPost(), hasGet(), hasFiles()

    $valid_data = $request->validate([
        'field_name' => 'rule_name|other_rule_name:with_param|rule_name',
        'other_field' => [
            $rule_instance, //instance of LawnMower\Rule::class

        //do stuff
        $errors = $request->errors();
        $input = $request->all();
        $specific_fields = $request->only([ 'field_name', 'some_other_field', ... ]);

The Request Object

The Request object automatically collects all $_GET,$_POST and $_FILES data and passes it to a Validator::class instance. $_FILES are handled as FileUpload::class instances, a class that conveniently handles file uploads.


Available rules:

Note: the order is not relevant, all rules are evaluated before execution.

  • required - the field must be present and not null, empty string, empty array or empty file.
  • nullable - the field can be omitted.
  • bail - after this filter, stop executing checks as soon as a filter fails.
  • email - field must be a valid e-mail.
  • url - field must be a valid url.
  • alpha_num - field must contain only letters and numbers.
  • alpha - field must contain only letters.
  • numeric - field must contain only numbers.
  • digits:size - field must contain only numbers characters and must be exact size long.
  • mimes:extension1,extension2,... - field must be a valid FileUpload and match the specified extensions. Extension is guessed by file Mime Type and it's binary data.
  • file - field must be valid file.
  • size:value - field size must be of exact value. Works with arrays, strings and files.
  • in:value1,value2,... - field must be one of the specified values.
  • gte:value - field must be greater than or equal to value. Works with numbers.
  • gt:value - field must be greater than value. Works with numbers.
  • lt:value - field must be less than value. Works with numbers.
  • lte:value - field must be less than or equal to value. Works with numbers.
  • min:value - field must be greater than or equal to value in size. Works with arrays and files.
  • max:value - field must be smaller than or equal to value in size. Works with arrays and files.
  • integer - field must be a valid integer.
  • boolean - field must be a valid boolean. Values accepted are true,false,0,1,'true','false'.
  • string - field must be a string.
  • date - field must be a valid date.
  • slug - field must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and -.
  • recaptcha:secret - field is a Google Recaptcha field, if valid it's automatically removed from validated data.

There are 3 ways to pass Rules to Validator: let's take a look at a file field.

By string

$valid_data = $request->validate([
    'file_field' => 'required|file|mimes:pdf,docx'

By array of strings

$valid_data = $request->validate([
    'file_field' => [ 'required', 'file', 'mimes:pdf,docx' ],

By array of instances (or a mix of strings and instances)

$valid_data = $request->validate([
    'file_field' => [
        new LawnMower\Rules\Mimes([ 'pdf','docx' ]),

The last approach is very useful when you need to pass a $variable as a parameter to Rules. The complete string => RuleClass mapping is RulesMapping.php file.

Custom Rules

It's possibile to use custom rules by extending the standard LawnMower\Rule::class an passing the instance to the Validator.

use LawnMower\Rule;

class MyRule extends Rule {

    protected $error_message = "###FIELD### has my custom error message, with ###PARAMS### too.";

    public function isValid():bool {

        echo $this->value; //value to be checked
        echo $this->params; //array of params passed by constructor

        //my stuff goes here

        return true; // or false


This class has some handy methods to help you deal with files uploaded via forms. If the file is not stored via the $file->store($path) method it will be automatically deleted with the object destructor.


//get instance of LawnMower\FileUpload::class
$upload = $valid_data['file_upload'];

$upload->isEmpty(); //checks if file is empty
$upload->getPath(); //returns full file path
$upload->getFilename(); //returns filename.ext without path
$stored_file = $upload->store("path/to/file/destination"); //stores file and returns a LawnMower\File::class instance;

Package developed by apdev, 2021.