
Enables API tokens to be marked as invalid until natural expiry within Laravel.

v0.1.3.1 2015-01-13 18:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:35:32 UTC


Enables API tokens to be marked as invalid until natural expiry within Laravel.

This package is designed not to depend on any particular auth token package (with the exception that tokens are strings). However, by default this package will rely on the antarctica/laravel-auth-token package to provide a working implementation out of the box.

This package is designed not to rely on any particular storage mechanism to record details of blacklisted tokens. However, by default this package will reply on an Eloquent model with an underlying blacklisted_token database. Again this is to provide a working implementation out of the box.

It is possible to provide your own implementation for token handling and for storing details of blacklisted tokens.


Require this package in your composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"antarctica/laravel-token-blacklist": "0.*"

Run composer update.

Register the service provider in the providers array of your app/config/app.php file:

'providers' => array(


Package dependency note

This package depends on the Indatus/dispatcher package - which replies on OS level support (enabling a cron job).

As per BASWEB-114 if using the antarctica/laravel Ansible role to provision the underlying infrastructure on which the app using this package is required, it is necessary to require this package in the app composer.json file.


	"require": {
		"indatus/dispatcher": "1.4.*@dev"

Composer will resolve the package requirements in exactly the same way, this change is only needed so Ansible is aware this package is used and that OS support should be provided for its use.


Basic usage

These steps assume the use of the default token implementation (provided by the antarctica/laravel-token-auth package) and storage implementation (using the bundled Eloquent model). To use alternatives see the custom usage section.

Create the required database table using the package migration:

php artisan migrate --package="antarctica/laravel-token-blacklist"


Ongoing maintenance

The package will create a scheduled task ran, by default, every day at midnight. This task will automatically clear out any blacklisted tokens that have naturally expired and would be rejected anyway.

To run this maintenance command manually:

php artisan auth-tokens:delete-expired-blacklisted-tokens

Custom implementation

You can replace the default token and/or storage implementation as required.

Custom token implementation

Note: This currently isn't supported, but will be in future versions of the package [See BASWEB-118 for details].

Custom storage implementation

Custom storage implementations must implement the TokenBlacklistRepositoryInterface interface, which is commented and hopefully self descriptive. The TokenBlacklistRepositoryEloquent implementation can act as a working example.

Use a custom implementation first publish this package's configuration:

php artisan config:publish antarctica/laravel-token-blacklist

Then set the repository key to the custom implementation.


'repository' => 'Antarctica\LaravelTokenBlacklist\Repository\TokenBlacklistRepositoryEloquent'


This project welcomes contributions, see CONTRIBUTING for our general policy.


To aid development and keep your local computer clean, a VM (managed by Vagrant) is used to create an isolated environment with all necessary tools/libraries available.


  • Mac OS X
  • Ansible brew install ansible
  • VMware Fusion
  • Vagrant brew cask install vmware-fusion vagrant
  • Host manager and Vagrant VMware plugins vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager && vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion
  • You have a private key id_rsa and public key in ~/.ssh/
  • You have an entry like [1] in your ~/.ssh/config

[1] SSH config entry

Host bslweb-*
    ForwardAgent yes
    User app
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    Port 22

Provisioning development VM

VMs are managed using Vagrant and configured by Ansible.

$ git clone ssh://
$ cp ~/.ssh/ laravel-token-blacklist/provisioning/public_keys/
$ cd laravel-token-blacklist
$ ./

$ vagrant up

$ ssh bslweb-laravel-token-blacklist-dev-node1
$ cd /app

$ composer install

$ logout

Committing changes

The Git flow workflow is used to manage development of this package.

Discrete changes should be made within feature branches, created from and merged back into develop (where small one-line changes may be made directly).

When ready to release a set of features/changes create a release branch from develop, update documentation as required and merge into master with a tagged, semantic version (e.g. v1.2.3).

After releases the master branch should be merged with develop to restart the process. High impact bugs can be addressed in hotfix branches, created from and merged into master directly (and then into develop).

Issue tracking

Issues, bugs, improvements, questions, suggestions and other tasks related to this package are managed through the BAS Web & Applications Team Jira project (BASWEB).

Clean up

To remove the development VM:

vagrant halt
vagrant destroy

The laravel-token-blacklist directory can then be safely deleted as normal.


Copyright 2015 NERC BAS. Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.