
Simple Dependency Resolving and Injection Container

1.1.3 2018-05-03 13:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 03:11:39 UTC


Actually this library is more about the dependency container than auto-wiring but don't worry auto-wiring is there. You have the possibility to create instances of classes with auto-wiring of their arguments and to inject dependencies to called methods.


I like PHP-DI very much but when I started new project I understood it needs another approach of determining it's definitions and dependencies. I wanted to have the simplest as possible syntax of definitions and powerful, but not complex at the same time, mechanism of injection. So I just wrote my own DI.


I didn't want to wrap any definition to unnecessary functions which just marks this definition as an instantiable class. I already know what is it while write a code and I want to decide how to use this information in my application.

My colleague asked me about the primitives injection in my library. I don't think is a good idea. Just make the dependency for the Container and get the value you need. Keep this type of values under control by yourself.


Auto-wiring is DISABLED by default.


composer require anonymous-php/simple-di


Сlass Container implements \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface interface so it has two methods has($id) which works as usual and get($id) which can has the behavior different from your preferred library. There is the method set($id, $value) which does exactly the same it means.


The method responds with a primitive with the only one exception - Closures. In case of Closure the library resolves it with the injection of it's dependencies. The Closure may to return any primitive or an instance of any class you wish. This method caches results of the resolving.


$container = new \Anonymous\SimpleDi\Container([
    'primitive' => 42,
    'wrapped-primitive' => function (\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $c) {
        return (string)$c->get('primitive');

var_dump($container->get('primitive'), $container->get('wrapped-primitive'));

// int(42)
// string(2) "42"

instantiate($id, array $arguments = [], $instanceOf = null)

This method creates an instance of the certain class. It tries to resolve the definition or instantiate provided class in case of definition absence. The method creates the new one instance on each call. In case of closure as argument instantiate resolves it each time too.


interface I {}
class A implements I {}
class B implements I {}

$container = new \Anonymous\SimpleDi\Container([
    I::class => A::class,
    B::class => function () {
        return new B();

    $container->instantiate(B::class, [], I::class)



object(A)#4 (0) {
object(A)#5 (0) {
object(B)#7 (0) {
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Anonymous\SimpleDi\FactoryException Unresolvable dependency 'C'


make($id, array $arguments = [], $recreate = false)

Almost the same as previous but with the cache. It means you will get the same instance on each method call. If method make will be called after instantiate using the same $id you will get already cached instance of class you provided.


class A {}

$container = new \Anonymous\SimpleDi\Container();



object(A)#2 (0) {
object(A)#2 (0) {


injectOn($callable, array $arguments = [])

Injects arguments to the method of provided instance and calls it. If array of arguments doesn't contain all variables which called method wait for the library tries to resolve them. Notice: Closure is an object with the method __invoke so you can use injectOn on it.


class A {
    public function e($v) {
        return $v;

class B { 
    public function strtoupper($v) {
        return strtoupper($v);

$container = new \Anonymous\SimpleDi\Container();

    $container->injectOn([new A(), 'e'], ['v' => 'value1']),
    $container->injectOn(function (B $b, $v) { return $b->strtoupper($v); }, ['v' => 'value2'])

// string(5) "value1"
// string(5) "VALUE2"

call($callable, array $arguments = [])

Almost the same as injectOn but provides the possibility to resolve and instantiate provided class.


interface Filter
    public function __invoke($v);

class Upper implements Filter
    public function __invoke($v)
        return strtoupper($v);

interface Output
    public function __invoke($v);

class StdOutput implements Output
    public function __invoke($v)
        echo $v, PHP_EOL;

class Printer
    protected $filter;

    public function __construct(Filter $filter)
        $this->filter = $filter;

    public function out(Output $output, $value)
        $filter = $this->filter;
        $output($filter instanceof Filter ? $filter($value) : $value);

$container = new \Anonymous\SimpleDi\Container([
    Output::class => StdOutput::class,
    Filter::class => Upper::class,

$container->call([Printer::class, 'out'], ['value' => 'Text to print 1']);
$container->call('Printer::out', ['value' => 'Text to print 2']);



  • Documentation
  • Tests
  • Performance measurement