
A package to easily make use of Heroicons in your Laravel Blade views.

1.1.278 2025-03-06 17:33 UTC


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A package to easily make use of Fluent UI icons in your Laravel Blade views.

For a full list of available icons see the SVG directory.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 9.0 or higher


composer require anodyne/blade-fluentui-icons

Blade Icons

Blade FluentUI icons uses Blade Icons under the hood. Please refer to the Blade Icons readme for additional functionality. We also recommend to enable icon caching with this library.


Blade FluentUI icons also offers the ability to use features from Blade Icons like default classes, default attributes, etc. If you'd like to configure these, publish the blade-fluentui-icons.php config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=blade-fluentui-icons-config


Icons can be used as self-closing Blade components which will be compiled to SVG icons:


You can also pass classes to your icon components:

<x-fluentui-o-access-time class="w-6 h-6 text-gray-500"/>

And even use inline styles:

<x-fluentui-o-access-time style="color: #555"/>

The filled icons can be referenced like this:


Raw SVG Icons

If you want to use the raw SVG icons as assets, you can publish them using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=blade-fluentui-icons --force

Then use them in your views like:

<img src="{{ asset('vendor/blade-fluentui-icons/f-access-time.svg') }}" width="10" height="10"/>
<img src="{{ asset('vendor/blade-fluentui-icons/o-access-time.svg') }}" width="10" height="10"/>


Check out the CHANGELOG in this repository for all the recent changes.


Blade FluentUI icons is developed and maintained by Anodyne Productions.


Blade FluentUI icons is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.