
A library that allows you to easily use the PHP-VCR library in your PHPUnit tests.

v1.1.1 2024-05-22 15:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 16:02:23 UTC


A library that allows you to easily use the PHP-VCR library in your PHPUnit tests.


  • PHP 8.2+
  • PHPUnit 10+


composer require --dev angelov/phpunit-php-vcr

Then, add the extension to your PHPUnit configuration file.

(All parameters are optional.)

        <bootstrap class="\Angelov\PHPUnitPHPVcr\Extension">
            <parameter name="cassettesPath" value="tests/fixtures" />
            <parameter name="storage" value="yaml" />                                   <!-- -->
            <parameter name="libraryHooks" value="stream_wrapper, curl, soap" />        <!-- -->
            <parameter name="requestMatchers" value="method, url, query_string, ..." /> <!-- -->
            <parameter name="whitelistedPaths" value="" />                              <!-- -->
            <parameter name="blacklistedPaths" value="" />                              <!-- -->
            <parameter name="mode" value="new_episodes" />                              <!-- -->


The library provides an UseCassette attribute that can be declared on test classes or specific test methods. The attribute expects one string argument - the name of the cassette.

When running the tests, the library will automatically turn the recorder on and off, and insert the cassettes when needed.


  • When declared on a class, PHP-VCR will intercept the requests in all test methods in that class, and will store the responses in the given cassette.

    use Angelov\PHPUnitPHPVcr\UseCassette;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    class ExampleTest extends TestCase
        public function example(): void { ... }
        public function another(): void { ... }
  • When declared on a test method, only requests in that methods will be intercepted and stored in the given cassette. Note that it can be declared on multiple test methods with different cassettes.

    use Angelov\PHPUnitPHPVcr\UseCassette;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    class ExampleTest extends TestCase
        public function example(): void { ... }
        public function another(): void { ... }
        public function recorded(): void { ... }
  • When declared both on the class and on a specific method, the name from the attribute declared on the method will be used for that method. In this example, the responses from the requests made in the example() method will be stored in example.yml and the ones from recorded() in example_2.yml.

    use Angelov\PHPUnitPHPVcr\UseCassette;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
    use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
    class ExampleTest extends TestCase
        public function example(): void { ... }
        public function recorded(): void { ... }